Moon dust, tree ring growth, and Oceans

Hiya everyone! I think I'm getting a little better at posting don't you? I could get better at commenting but...anyway I know I've mentioned it before, but my email is [email protected]. So if you really want to reach me, that's the way to go.

Things are...a little better. I feel like warm weather helps cheer me up. Friday I was a bit upset about my grades...I just used to get great ones in middle school, then I changed back to my old school and they dropped dramatically for alot of reasons. Then at the beggining of this year I thought I had them closer to my old standard...but now...
I guess I'll just have to work harder, right?
Speaking of which I should be writing a paper about the things in the title. Or more specifically, the age of the Earth. I'm not that big a fan of science, but I always like astronomy, which is why I wanted to incorporate it somehow, and BAM! I found the moon dust theory.

But before I do that...
I'm going to be announcing a forum on my website on Monday. I figured I would ask my friends here if they wanted to join a little early (at least one of you already got an email on this). If you don't, I definately understand, but I wanted to ask since it would be fun to have you guys there.
Heres the link: Forum

1. Warming up where you are?
2. When's your spring break? (Mine is the first week of April)
