Kawasaki Academy and Twilight

Hey everyone!

So, the first chapter of Kawasaki Academy is up. It's not the best, but it's done and got the plot started in the way I wanted. Anyway, so follow the link below to read it on FictionPress! Don't worry, you dont need an account to read and comment.


In other news, Twilight comes out on Friday! I'm going with Itsumademo and Inu--yasha to see it at midnight. I'll be really tired the next day, but it's worth it, the movie looks wonderful. Sadly I won't see much of Jacob though (I'm a huge Team Jacob fan).

1. Are you a Twilight fan, and if so what you're plans for the movie release?
2. What is your favorite fruit? (I don't like very many. My favorite is the apple, which besides tasting nice, is also a very Twilightly fruit.)
