Twilight and Vitamin Water

So last night I saw the Twilight movie at midnight. It was awesome!! I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet, but if anyone wants to PM me about it I'd love to discuss it!

In other news, I'm now off for Thanksigiving break. No school ALL next week! Yipee! So except lots from me. I really need to focus on ShojoWorld, with the reopening soon....

So yeah there's not much to say today, but I just felt like checking in. And please, PM me! I don't feel like I have nearly enough conversations going right now.

Peace out.

Questions (note, I'm pretty tired today, so be prepared for random)
1. Have you ever draken Vitamin Water? (I don't think I have).
2. What's your fav. restaurant (mine is Steak N' Shake, it's just SO awesome!)
