I really need to post more...

My title tis true my friends. I'm sorry I take such absences between posts, but life is so insane! This past weekend I had two choir concerts, in which I had a narration, and there were loads of practices the week before that...so Shojo World did not get done. I'm sorry! I'm gonna try for a few days into Christmas Break.

I hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving! Mine was alright, nothing exciting. I played the Wii, and lost badly. lol. Mostly I'm just really excited for CHRISTMAS! It's my fav. time of year, and I wear red and green every day of Decemember. I'm going to hopefully finish my Christmas shopping this weekend, since break is fast approaching (but also FINALS AHHHHHHHHHH).

1. Are you wearing a Christmas color right now??? ARE YOU?
2. If you have finals, are you deathly scared of them (I am, I've never had them before)?
