I seem to post alot about diseases, anyone notice? LOL.
Today me, Inu--yasha and Itsumademo celebrated Bubonic plague today. Is that really a holiday? Well thats up to you to decide....

But what IS actually a holiday is the fact that today is my third anime anniversary, sending me off on my fourth, wonderful year. Anime has been an escape, a joy, has made me cry and laugh, and however cheesy it sounds I'm really glad I discovered it because besides discovering some awesome stories I made some amazing friends!

So how did I discover anime? Well actually I was watching the cartoon show W.I.T.C.H that used to be on Toon Disney. I loved it and still have a soft spot for it today. One day when i was watching it, I decided to watch the show afterwards, which was an episode of the fourth season of Digimon (I used to know the episode number, maybe 8?). I was hooked and soon researched much more anime, with the list of what I've seen being in my intro to this world.

I look forward to another wonderful year.

Oh...and I got a deviantart account yesterday!
Not for drawings, but digital art.
My account
If you have an account, let's be friends!!!

1. Do you have a Deviant Art? If so...follow the link!
2. Do you like storms or dislike them? (its storming right now)
