Hi and welcome to my world! This is the new home for my random posts about life and other stuff. My myOtaku site still exists but I won't be updating there anymore. So, thanks for stopping by and enjoy your stay!
- Created By Petie
Back at School
Hey everyone. I'm sorry for my lack of activity here over the last week or so. I thought I'd have more time over spring break but I spent almost none of it in front of the computer. I've got some time before class though so I'll be making my rounds after I finish writing this.
Spring break was good. I didn't do anything too exciting - mainly just hanging out with friends and playing Brawl and Call of Duty 4. I really didn't want to go back to classes after that but we only have five or so weeks of class left anyway so I guess it could be worse.
As far as school is concerned, it's not too bad. Nothing really out of the ordinary is going on. I have a calc test on Thursday and a physics test on Friday but as far as I can tell, neither of them should be too difficult. Of course, now that I've said that, they'll both be impossible but we'll see.
And for anyone interested, the book I'm reading for class now (and will have an essay due for in one week) is called The Celestina. I had never heard of it before this semester but so far, it's not bad.
Anyway, I'm pretty much out of things to say so I'll just move on to comments now.
Thanks! I just hope we'll be saying the same about calc and physics soon
Brawl is great but you've got two excellent games to keep yourself busy with. I loved Assassin's Creed and COD4 is fantastic (I'll be buying it at some point this week). It's just too bad you don't have them for Xbox 360 instead because I could find you online if you did. Oh well, enjoy them anyway - regardless of system, neither game disappoints.
snow fox:
A trip to Australia is well worth the wait for Brawl. Plus, we've all waited a couple years anyway - what's another couple of months? You'll definitely enjoy it when you get back though. It's worth playing if not only to see Mario, Sonic, and Solid Snake all in the same game.
Brawl is one of those games that's really hit or miss. I don't know of anyone who simply thinks its okay. The thing about it is that there's nothing earth-shatteringly new about Brawl that you couldn't have gotten in Melee so chances are if you were never into the old ones, Brawl will be no different. Though as I mentioned above, it is interesting to see Mario, Sonic, and Solid Snake on screen at the same time.
And I fully agree - nine days of free time is always a welcome idea. I hope you enjoyed your spring break as well!
I've yet to play online with anyone from OB yet (mainly because i haven't gone and taken friend codes out of the Arcade Online thread) but it's something that should prove to be a lot of fun and make the game that much more worth playing.
It is At the very least, it's worth going over to someone else's house to give it a shot.
You definitely should. I'm sure it won't be hard to find a display of it set up somewhere - it's all over the place at the moment.
And you are most welcome *throws you a little more fruit*
Those "little glass container thingies" are called assist trophies and are a new feature to Brawl. Basically, some other character (or characters) who are not main, playable characters pops out and helps whoever got the assist trophy. They're not always useful though, as I'm sure you saw from the Nintendog.
Brawl is Amazing
The title says it all. I've been playing it a lot (some would say too much but there's no such thing as too much Brawl). I finished Subspace Emissary on hard at, if I remember correctly, 92%. I actually liked this adventure mode a lot. It gives you a chance to try out a whole bunch of the characters early on in addition to adding some platforming elements to a Smash Bros. game.
That leads me to one question though. To anyone who has played Subspace Emissary, do you know what a green flag on a level means? It seems like this is something that may be covered in the manual but unfortunately, the manual is at home and these flags have been driving me crazy since the first time I saw them.
Oh, and for all interested, my Brawl friend code is 0731-4414-6276. I'll eventually be posting a full list of all online-game related info here (once I put one together that is).
In other news, spring break is next week and I can't wait. School hasn't been awful but a nice little while off is always welcome. As for school itself, it's going well. Some of the classes are getting a little harder but it's not too bad yet.
Anyway, I'm in class so I guess I should wrap this up. I feel like I had more to say but I can't think of what that was now. Oh well. Thanks for reading and have a great night/day!
Thanks. The other test wasn't too bad, though I've yet to see how I did on it.
Hehe, but of course. I'm always happy to support a WoW related venture
Heh, that goes to show how long it's been since I looked at that thread. Once I'm home, I'll make one master list and post it there. I've been meaning do do it for a while anyway.
Thanks! Physics was great until we moved on to new material. I seemed to know what I was doing on the test but I have an awful feeling that I did it completely wrong (it was a one question test). I'll likely find out how I did tomorrow.
As you can probably tell, I do indeed have Brawl (and have since midnight on Sunday). However, I can't get online from school but you can take the friend code from above anyway.
And yes, I have rather excellent multi-tasking skills.
And the Results are In
Well, one of them anyway. I found out today that I got a 93 on my Western Lit mid-term which I was very happy about. The test itself wasn't too hard really, just long.
And in other school related news, the Physics homework tonight was more difficult than usual which was no fun. And even worse, we have a test tomorrow which could either be fairly straightforward or incredibly difficult. I know one of the problems (assuming it isn't the only one) will need to be solved symbolically so that could potentially prove difficult. We'll see how it goes tomorrow I guess.
The only other thing I've really been doing has been playing Super Smash Bros. Melee in preparation for Brawl. Sunday is going to be an amazing day - enough said.
Oh, and be sure to check out our World of Warcraft World over at Warcraft for The Otaku. It's something Red put together that I'll be helping out with as well. So if you play, head on over and let us know.
Hehe, why thank you I'm rather certain you have a brain (and a good one at that) though. And on a side note, I couldn't help but be reminded of The Wizard of Oz with your comment.
As I've already said many a time, this World of Warcraft page is going to be fun. We need to actually sit down and talk about features when I'm not so distracted by homework.
An "epic" day - I couldn't have said it better myself. Everything about it looks amazing so I really can't wait. I really should get to updating my list of Friend Codes and the like over at OB. If I put together a list and give it to you, could you take care of that for me?
Heh, that's because I was writing the post when we were talking.
How are you doing in terms of getting used to all of this? It really is a lot different than the old system but I like it. And yeah, it's been a while so it's great to see you here! *hugs*
I haven't seen you in a while either. It's great to hear from you again. I do hope your exams went well. I know the feeling of long periods of writing - your hands usually don't appreciate it much
First Real Post
Hey everyone. I guess you can consider this my first real post here. The first one was just to see how everything worked and how the finished product would look.
After some more time with the site and a better understanding of how things work here, I must say that I really do like this. At first I thought the inability to use HTML/CSS would deter me from using this feature and while I'm sure it will annoy me a little down the road, I'm okay with it. At the very least, it makes things easier to manage here.
As for actual updates on my end, not too much of interest has really been happening. I took two midterms yesterday - one in Quantitative Biology and the other in Western Literature. Neither of them were as bad as I expected them to be though the Western Lit one was a good hour and fifteen minutes of straight writing.
Other than that, I've just been playing lots of Super Smash Bros Melee in anticipation for Brawl's release this weekend. I absolutely cannot wait for it. And now that I'm thinking about it, I realize I should post my Friend Codes and Gamer Tag and such (as well as edit the list that's currently up on OtakuBoards).
So, that's about it for now. I'll continue my somewhat recently started tradition of comments on comments so always feel free to ask anything that might be on your mind. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Well, It's Finally Here
I still have my myOtaku page online but I think I'm going to try using this and see how things go. This post is really just to test out the feature.
I would like to point out that this new site was well worth the wait. From the very little I've played with so far, everything is great.