The title says it all. I've been playing it a lot (some would say too much but there's no such thing as too much Brawl). I finished Subspace Emissary on hard at, if I remember correctly, 92%. I actually liked this adventure mode a lot. It gives you a chance to try out a whole bunch of the characters early on in addition to adding some platforming elements to a Smash Bros. game.
That leads me to one question though. To anyone who has played Subspace Emissary, do you know what a green flag on a level means? It seems like this is something that may be covered in the manual but unfortunately, the manual is at home and these flags have been driving me crazy since the first time I saw them.
Oh, and for all interested, my Brawl friend code is 0731-4414-6276. I'll eventually be posting a full list of all online-game related info here (once I put one together that is).
In other news, spring break is next week and I can't wait. School hasn't been awful but a nice little while off is always welcome. As for school itself, it's going well. Some of the classes are getting a little harder but it's not too bad yet.
Anyway, I'm in class so I guess I should wrap this up. I feel like I had more to say but I can't think of what that was now. Oh well. Thanks for reading and have a great night/day!
Thanks. The other test wasn't too bad, though I've yet to see how I did on it.
Hehe, but of course. I'm always happy to support a WoW related venture
Heh, that goes to show how long it's been since I looked at that thread. Once I'm home, I'll make one master list and post it there. I've been meaning do do it for a while anyway.
Thanks! Physics was great until we moved on to new material. I seemed to know what I was doing on the test but I have an awful feeling that I did it completely wrong (it was a one question test). I'll likely find out how I did tomorrow.
As you can probably tell, I do indeed have Brawl (and have since midnight on Sunday). However, I can't get online from school but you can take the friend code from above anyway.
And yes, I have rather excellent multi-tasking skills.