Coming to, Casee looks around her to find herself in a room which looks more like a vacant, old, and forgotten conservatory. She stands, a bit shaky, and looks around a bit more trying to figure out what was going on. She sees Fazil standing at a window looking out; Yuki is sitting up against a wall in the far right corner of the room looking a bit dazed and confused, while Bara is sitting at the edge of a large hole in the middle of the floor. The whole room is a dismal gray with contraptions all over the place, on shelves, on the floors in various piles, on table tops, and anywhere else they could be stashed. The room has a high ceiling that seems to come to a peak like a cone shape that swirled upward like ice cream coming out a machine into a cone or bowl, but it wasn’t as nice and delicious looking and inviting like ice cream was. Fazil turns around to face Casee who has some questions but can’t seem to put them in the correct order. She stands there staring at Fazil a bit confused sense he appears to be a bit different from the Fazil she was used to.

Fazil with his head cocked to one side:
What’s the matter Casee?

Well I want to know what’s going on.

Fazil speaking in almost a different voice apart from his own:
Well it seems we’ve entered into the castle’s topmost tower. This high window looks over the courtyard in the center, the Haven Gardens to the far west, the Wares Moss House to the East, as well as outside of the Holy Gates.

Casee making a face:
How do you know all of this? And why are you talking in that way? What’s going on?

Yuki finally looking up at Casee:
I’m not sure, but I believe someone has found us.

Casee with her hands on her hips:
What do you mean—“found us”?

Yuki sounding like he’s about to cry:
I mean I wouldn’t go any closer to Fazil if I were you. Bara is teetering on the edge there because he didn’t heed the warning given to him. I’m sitting here so as not to get involved. (Whispering) I’m scared of him!

Casee sounding angry with her hands on her hips:
Okay who are you and where’s Fazil? Just because you look like him doesn’t mean you are him.

Fazil still in the funny voice:
Why Casee it is I Fazil. Where else would I be?

No. unh-uhn. You are not Fazil. Fazil doesn’t talk like that. What is this place and why were we knocked out?

We’ve received most our powers from our perspective holy relics of course. We belong here.

Wait. I don’t like the way that sounds. What do you mean we belong here?

I mean this is our home now so get used to it. We can no longer leave as humans. If by chance we wanted to get out of Clover we’d have to become our animal symbols of our clan.

Casee feeling dizzy:
Are you telling me that we’re stuck here as in “forever”?

Exactly! Believe me while you were out, sorry but I couldn’t go near you, he told me all of this. Bara’s over there trying to keep from falling through that hole, so more than likely he doesn’t know anything about this.

What about the stone. Don’t we still need to find it?

Yes of course you do. If you concentrate your whole being you can sense it in the yard below. Once you are able to do that then you may envision yourself there and instantly you will be. It’s that simple.

But we just got our “powers”. We don’t know how to fully use them, and how do I know it’s not a trick?

Fazil with a sly smile unlike his own:
How do you know it is?

Yuki mouthing to Casee:
I wouldn’t do it if I were you.

Fazil turns his head slowly towards Yuki in a wicked motion. Yuki looks away quickly to the floor. Bara suddenly cries out throwing his hands in the air. He can’t move a muscle but he desperately wants to. He feels himself being drawn through the hole by some unseen force that seems to be pushing him downward.

Casee growing angry:
Whoever you are you better leave him alone! Now I’m going to ask you one more time: who are you?

Fazil with a snicker:
Ha! Wouldn’t you like to know?

Uhm yes, I would like to know. Now tell me.

Fazil is about to attack her and starts walking quickly towards her. Before he can combat her a gust of wind shoots up through the hole in the floor causing Bara to be knocked backwards. He lays there on his back not wanting to move for fear of being knocked down through the hole. The wind begins moving towards Fazil who is walking backwards towards the window with his hands up as if to surrender.

Fazil screaming out:

The gusts of wind swirl around Fazil still, now seeming to form into solid figures, or rather visible forms that Yuki, Bara, and Casee can see. It seems to be two males ghosts and one female ghost circling around Fazil. The female holds Fazil’s head back then pulls out an orange ball with long strings attached at both ends. One of the males looks into Fazil’s eyes and blows into them causing a black, soot like substance to exit. The black dust floats off into the air and disappears. The second man holds tight to Fazil’s hands causing them to change from Fazil’s skin color to a hot red then back again. This is all done so quickly that Casee had to keep watching just to keep from missing anything. She was stunned and amazed at what was happening and couldn’t speak. Yuki just looked on with wide eyes and horror. Bara was standing now and watching with no expression on his face. After the two men and the woman are done getting rid of whatever was inside Fazil, they pull him back away from the window and guide him towards the middle of the floor. Fazil stares with confusion in his eyes trying to figure out what was going on.

Fazil looking at Yuki, Casee, and Bara:
Okay what just happened? I remember being in the courtyard then something floated down towards my mouth while my hands were stuck in the holes of the fountain. Are those fountain’s evil?

Fazil doesn’t seem to notice the ghost until one of the men ghost speaks up to answer his questions. He is still a bit out of it from having an evil spirit removed from his body and was trying to center himself again—focus.

You were invaded by a bad spirit a very dark spirit banished from this place long ago. He invaded your body and took over your mind.

Fazil doing a double take:
Uh who are you?

My name is Bale and this is Bastian, and Bakta. We’re the ghostly guardians of the Holy Castle. We protect it from evil, but the bad spirit, whose name is Igara, sealed himself inside of you causing him to go undetected. We sensed him when Bakta smelled him in the air. Bad spirits give off very strong odors that alert other spirits. You four haven’t fully come into your powers so you wouldn’t be able to do so for a while. By the way we are pleased to me the reincarnations of the Four Clans. It seems that Sidia and Charma have finally found worthy beings to take up this large task.

Casee dumbfounded:
Excuse me we’re the what?

Yuki just as shocked as Casee:
Are you kidding? You’re joking with us right?

Bara finally speaking up:
They’re not joking Yuk. I felt that-that power when we were all forced to stick our hands in the holes of the fountains. Had we not then Fazil would have been taken over fully by Igara. He’s Baarda’s helper sent back to us. Once Baarda sensed our presence through our powers he released Igara back into the natural world. He’s not going to go away easily.

Wait how do you know all of this Bara?

Bakta was holding me up as Igara and you threatened to push me down the hole. Bakta stands for second in command she’s a warrior goddess like Sala. Bastian is official of peace he keeps things in order. And Bale is the keeper of the castle here. They’ve been gone a long time, but they’ve returned to help us and guide us through this. Anyway Bakta told me while she was holding me up.

Casee feeling at ease:
This is so cool. So Igara said something about us being bound to this island. Is that true? Is any of what he has told me true?

I’m afraid so. The Four Heads of the Four Clans could only leave in their animal form and once in their natural form every three hundred years. Even the people of Clover who were chosen to practice here could only leave in shadow form. They only had one form while the Four Heads of the Four Clans had three: Spirit, Shadow, and animal form.

Casee with a crest-fallen face:
So we’re confined to this place for good? We can never actually go back to Sael or any of the other islands ever?!

I’m sorry, but that’s the way the Four Clans are designed. But, your animal forms is apart of you. Your natural state remains here while you leave them behind to visit among other islands and villages. You are also free to visit among the holy mountains and the waterfall to communicate with Sidia and Charma as you must consult with them before making any rash decisions in your quest to keep proper watch over Arcantha. We are here to guide you so don’t worry you’ll do fine and you’ll love it here.

Bakta where are Tog and his parents? Can they not enter Clover?

Unfortunately Tog’s parents aren’t of this plane. Shortly after you all entered Clover they disappeared. Tog is allowed to frequent Clover but only at night. He has training to complete; all of your animals of your clan are in training to become your animal forms. Casee, Fazil, and Yuki you guys will meet yours in time. Because Bara is special Tog was created to find him instead. Once found, he was to help guide you four to Clover. He and Bara called on his parents for better guidance as this was a large job for such a small Sapi.

Bara with his wolf ears wagging slightly:
This is all so awesome! It’s like we’ve got a whole new life, new purpose, and a new home no more sleeping underground.

Fazil smiling slightly:
Well that is a good thing. It was tough sleeping down there.

Casee in a very unhappy tone:
What about all of our stuff?

Bastian with a gruff voice:
It has all disappeared as if you never existed down there. Because you are all here where you belong; you no longer have a need for those things.

Yuki a bit perplexed:
Do we still have a need for food?

It’s funny you should ask that. You have the ability to eat food but you truly don’t have a need for food. You’ll find that you’re content without eating for days; even months. You do need to partake of a drink from your holy fountain every year as to drink in the Head Goddess and God and keep your powers in good working order.

Yuki coming around to the idea of life on Clover:
That is the coolest thing. Do we get explore our new home?

Feel free young master after all it’s all yours. But you must never touch the Serpent waters at the edge of the courtyard next to the Wares Moss House. It is forbidden to you all. If you go near it you will have invited Baarda in and he will be able to easily overtake you. Baarda is very powerful and can get through any unholy waterway. The Serpent Waters is a portal where we must banish spirits away to. Long ago the Heads of the Four Clans were able to access these waters, but Baarda was able to come through and overtake Igara’s soul. He was a rare Traith just like you Bara.

Bara and Yuki look up and stare at each other in bewilderment and silence then Bara looks back at Bastian with wide eyes.

Bara looking up in shock:
Are you kidding me?! Yuki and I were hoping that he wasn’t. Did he have the mark like me? Will I be a target?

No Igara didn’t and does not have that special mark that you have. But, you very well could be a target; you all could be, so I’d be careful to stay away! Now if you want the stone you may do as Igara suggested although it would’ve been a trick so that he could gain access to it and use it to destroy Sala’s fountain. A broken fountain is a broken seal on the holy waters thus making it accessible to bad spirits. She is the guardian protector of Arcantha you know.

But I thought it was Bados.

They fought alongside each other. They were to represent Sidia and Charma as the warrior God and Goddess. Bados decided to defy the God and Goddess and had to be banished. Otherwise the fountain would look a bit differently than it does.

Bara laughing:
Oh so there would be two heads instead of one. I get it! That’s funny how one incident can really change history around.

Bale speaking in turn again:
Okay now you four must pick your council together. You all must agree on a decision at all times. If you do not then the balance of power is shifted greatly affecting you all in your leadership abilities.

Yuki holding his head:
Oh my goddess! My head is spinning with all of this technical stuff. When can we see the place? Can’t you tell us all this stuff later? I want to get out of this tower and see more of this place.

Bale laughing:
Patience, young Yuki everything in its right time and space.

But, we’re so young, why do we need to know all of this stuff at once. Can’t we take this a day at a time?

Bakta putting a solid arm around Fazil:
You know you’re right. You guys may explore the lands and find the stone as well. You’re going to need it to unlock the rest of the spirits here that will help you through this as well. They will be your eyes and ears if you wish to forego the use of animal forms at any time. Once you find the Pomi stone then all the fountains will unlock. Once they unlock the Holy waters will once again flow from them sending you messages to Sidia and Charma as well as the other way around.

Wow Case you were right about the messages reaching them.

Casee surprisingly shocked yet proud:
Huh! So I was.

Well I think that’s pretty neat.

Question: how long before we’re able to use our animal forms?

It will take exactly two full Clover moons to access the power of your animal forms. That would be five months. (Seeing Bara and Yuki’s faces) Don’t worry; you guys will be very well occupied. There’s a lot to do around here and a lot to restore to this place. There’s a lot of work to be done you know.

Fazil noticing Bakta’s arm around him:
Hey! How are you able to do that? It’s like I can really feel your arm around me. It even looks alive. I thought that spirits were dead, but here you are touching me with your arm and I can feel it!

The spirits here are special beings. We maintain Clover Island and are able to do things normal spirits wouldn’t be able to do. As you four may very well know that Clover isn’t like the rest of Arcantha. When we, the spirits of Clover, come into contact with live beings, we are then able to come “back to life” as well. It doesn’t last long, but it’s nice.

That’s the coolest thing I’ve heard so far. Okay guys I’m ready to head out. I want to check this place out. Say what is this tower anyway?

Oh it’s the Watching Tower. There is a telescope somewhere here that can see into the islands of Arcantha. It is a Telling Scope. You see the good and the bad that goes on.

This place is awesome! Yuki I’ll race you outside.

Bet I beat you…uhm how do we get outside?

That’s simple Yuki and Fazil you would use your minds. Casee your hands, and Bara you call out the words. These are your calling forms. Everything is done in the way you use your powers.

Cool. Now I know where my Wikgun is located.

Yes and what powerful Wikguns you have. You four have the most powerful Wikguns in Arcantha. Be careful how you use them. If not done probably you could be seriously injured.

Duly noted. Now—

Yuki closes his eyes and concentrates on going outside. Bara sees this and isn’t happy about it.

Hey no fair I didn’t say g—

Before he can finish his thought Yuki disappears from the Watching Tower and reappears in the courtyard. He waves upward which really makes Bara angry. Bara calls out the words “outside” and lands next to Yuki which he then punches him in the arm. Yuki cries out in agony from the punch Bara just stands there with his arms crossed.

Yuki rubbing his shoulder:
Oww that hurt!

Bara still with his arms crossed:
It should. Cheaters get punched. Now help me find this darn stone!

Oh all right.

As for you two Fazil you are head of the Four Clans. You are the eldest. And since there isn’t anyone from the Nameth Clan then it automatically makes you the leader of the Four Clans here on Arcantha. You four are the thinkers, the sympathetic, and the free-ers of Clover. Your powers are always connected to all that you do, so be sure to make wise decisions.

Yeah like finding that stone. I’ve already located it. I closed my eyes and felt it in my heart. It’s right under Sala’s fountain. It has blended in with its surroundings so as not to be touched by evil hands. Sala was very smart in this way casting charms over her weapons to keep away from Baarda. Though, it seems Baarda has been trying to get it for a while. There are scorch marks on the ground.

Fazil who is looking out the window at Bara and Yuki argue turns back to Casee.

What do you mean? I thought evil couldn’t go near the fountains let alone leave marks on the grounds. Baarda must be more powerful than I actually gave him credit for.

Little by little he’s been testing himself to see how far he could come to getting the stone, but as I said, Sala is twenty steps ahead of him. She has outsmarted him in every sense.

She’s very, very clever. Okay so how do we retrieve it?

Simple we need Bara to pick it up with his hands. He’s the only one who can. If we try it will just slip through our fingers.

So we can touch it since we’re not evil, but because we’re not apart of Bara’s clan then we can’t fully grasp it.

That is correct.

Well, I guess that makes sense.

Wow you guys catch on to this stuff quickly. Now you must know that you are in training as well. So there will be lessons. You will be in class each day promptly at Clover 9—that is 8:00 am sharp each morning or rather calling hour. Don’t go by the sky light for there isn’t any true light here. Clover forever houses the starry night skies. You can go by the clock faces on each level of the castle. Now, I am among the teachers who will be teaching you, and so will Bastian.

What about the other teachers?

We have to free them first Case. When do classes begin?

Upon the first release of the first spirits from the first unlocked fountain.

Exactly who are these spirits? They aren’t just ones who’ve helped out the clans are they? How long have they been around?

Bale making a face:
Well to tell you the truth we are the ghosts of the Plague. Before the plague those who’d pass on from this inner world would come back as a spirit here to help aide the Clans. Because we are a great number it was just simple to bring us back instead of recent spirits whose natural bodies have passed on. You see once a person dies here in Clover a spirit is born and another spirit disappears to join the ranks among Sidia and Charma’s kingdom. But due to the special circumstance of our deaths we are bound here to you; maybe one day we may all be released, but in the meantime we’re here to help.

Casee sympathetically:
Oh that’s quite a sad story. I’m sorry Bale, Bakta, Bastian, but I’m happy you guys are here with us to keep us company.

Yeah this is going to get pretty enjoyable around here. Now let’s go get that stone so we can awaken Clover. How do we get food if we want to eat?

You think it and it will appear for you.

Well that’s simple enough everything else is so complicated I thought that would be to. I need something to eat, but I’ll wait. What about you Case?

Fazil looks around to find that Casee is gone. She was now in the courtyard chasing down Yuki who’d fallen into her after being chased around by Bara. Now they both were chasing Yuki. Fazil shakes his head in a disappointed manner then he to leaves the tower and lands on the courtyard grounds. He holds up his hand as the three companions are headed for him. They are thrust backwards landing on their bottoms. Fazil laughs and tells them to quit fooling around. They had work to do after all.

Yuki surprised:
What was that you just did?

I don’t know I think it was a small shield of some kind. I felt Bakta telling me to hold up my hand and that’s what happened.

Yuki getting up and rubbing his thigh:
Well even though I hate you for it, it was still awesome. Very nice.

Thanks. Now Casee, tell them what we need to do.

Okay Bara you must retrieve the stone. It’s right under Sala’s Fountain. Where’s the fountain?

Well remember the order we found the path? That’s exactly how we find our Holy Fountains. It’s fairly simple. Sala lies to the South.

Oh cool that does make sense. Okay now you have to use your powers to dig it up. We can’t touch it. After that you are to place it in the empty hand then place your hands in the holes again.

Bara not really feeling the idea of sticking his hands back into the fountain holes:
May I ask why?

Well my dear Bara it’s quite simple you have to activate all the fountains here so that we can release the spirits.

Did you figure this out all on your own?

Well some parts. I can feel Bastian telling me what to do. Hey you think each one is apart of one our clans? That could be why Bakta helped you out Fazil. That means Bale is supposed to help Bara.

Actually you’re wrong. Bale is just the keeper of the house he reports only to Sidia and Charma in the case of danger. But you are right about Bakta and Bastian.

Oh sorry Bara.

No worries the teacher of my clan is more than likely trapped in the spirit world. Once we free them we’ll know who mine is.

Well that’s true. Okay now let’s go.

They begin walking towards the location of Sala’s Fountain. Once they get there they stop and give Bara some room. After the three friends spread out away from Bara he kneels down closes his eyes tightly. He then reopens them and digs his hand beneath the dirt. To him it feels like he is touching nothing at all. He feels his spirit hand working to free the Pomi Stone of Sala; soon he has it in his hand and pulls it through the dirt again. He notices that he has not disturbed the dirt at all and is amazed at this.

That’s pretty neat. Okay here’s the stone now I just put it in her open hand like this…

Bara places the stone in Sala’s empty open hand opposite the shield she is holding. Once he does this then he places both hands back into the hand holes of the fountain, clenches his eyes tightly closed and waits for something to happen. After a few minutes of nothing happening he opens his eyes again and looks out at his friends.

Guys nothing is happening. Are you sure we did it right? I did everything you told me to do Case.

Yeah I’m sure. You did it perfectly. (With wide eyes) Hold it Bara—something’s happening. Sala is moving her arms.

Bara looks up to see Sala’s statue bending down to embrace him in a shielding hug. She covers Bara so that only she is seen. Bara doesn’t cry out so it seems he’s okay, but Yuki is mortified.

Yuki beyond terrified:
What the bloody hell is going on?!! He better be all right! It’s just one crazy thing after another!

Cool it Yuk he’s fine. Sala’s unlocking the fountains through Bara.

Yuki speaking in Bakta’s voice:
Be calm Yuki dear everything is fine nothing bad is going to happen to Bara. (Normally) Hey Bakta spoke through me to tell me to calm down. How does that even work?

She’s trying to calm you down by getting into your head now listen to her and calm down.

I’m calm, man okay. I’m just saying he better be okay.

Casee laughing:
Whoa Yuk, I didn’t know you cared.

Yuki making a face at Casee:
I don’t, but if something bad happens to him then it’s bound to happen to us to. It always does.

Casee stops laughing and instead glares hard at Yuki. He ignores her and keeps his focus on the statue of Sala embracing Bara. A few minutes of Bara’s hug with Sala causes Clover to shake in a gentle manner and soon hundreds of spirits come from the fountains and begin flying around the courtyard in a beautiful swarm. Casee looks above her and laughs at the sight. Fazil smiles as he looks around him. Yuki however, falls to the ground on his bottom stunned into silence. The sight is quite breathtaking and even Bara, who has now been let go of Sala’s embrace, notices this as he removes his hands from the holes. Sala had regained her statue pose once more.

This is what I’ve been waiting for all this time; a new life.