Adobe Photoshop Actions:An Overview

First of all,this is my first post here in Photoshoper's Unite. I haven't been able to right a post until now because of life but I am here to write a post about Photoshop Actions. Actually it's more of an overview and an introduction them. A tutorial on how to use them is coming soon.

Photoshop Action:An Action is a recording of a series of Commands in Photoshop to which you apply a name. Later on, you can play that recording back on a different file and have Photoshop do your work for you.

Definition from this article and provides a great overview and introduction to Photoshop Actions.
Here is a website I found that has 100 free Photoshop actions available for download. This site also provides a small tutorial on how to install them and use them as well. But I shall provide my own tutorial on Photoshop Actions for Photoshoper's Unite which is currently a work in progress. Also I will provide a download in that post to all the Photoshop Actions I found and that I use in most of my graphics.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Thank you for reading my post. Comments are always appreciated.
EDIT:I made a new banner to better illustrate the use of Photoshop Actions. All actions used in the banner as well as the original image is linked below.

Image (x)
