In a huge building in a place called Augustus Technologies there are cages in a lab filled with animals of all sorts and big machines line the walls and walk ways. In the very back rooms of the building are chambers. In the chambers they have mini apartment like cells. In these cells sits six humans. These humans are unique for they have abilities that normal humans do not posses. Though the scientists in this facility prefer running experiments on them instead of treating them as humans they are more of test rats for them and there insane tests. A few of the humans here have formed close bonds like our first group; twenty year old Maria Montclaire and nineteen year old Perciville Louis. They are the first two to join this crew. Our next group is twenty one year old Sorgano Carious and twenty two year old Maribas Morris. They were brought to the crew two months after Maria and Perciville. Our third group brought in 4 months after Maria and Perciville consists of fifteen year old Luna Largo and fourteen year old Solaris Nickles.
As they go threw their days in the building they find they are growing weaker and weaker each passing day. They desperately need to find a way out of the building. They become friends with each other and decide to team up and get out of the building. First they must get a map of the building which they decide upon giving the job to Sorgano. Sorgano gets ready for his daily check by the scientists. He must be ready to get the building layout design map from the one room near the check up room. He shall have limited time to do so though inbetween the scientists and lab assistants coming in and out. They all here a door open and close to the cell ward. A man in a lab coat walks down the corridor slowly glancing into each dark dank cell. He stops abruptly in front of Sorgano’s cell. Sorgano then stands up from his bed, looks the man straight in the eyes, takes out his sun glasses, puts them on, walks slowly to the door as his black cloak waves behind him, the scientist reaches threw the bars and cuffs Sorgano’s hands, then Sorgano straightens his black shirt and pants, slips into his black sneakers, the scientist opens the cell door, Sorgano walks swiftly out, the scientist quickly grabs his arm, locks the door, and they walk down the corridor back threw the door.
After a bit of a walk they arrive at the check up room. The scientist walks Sorgano in, sits him in a chair, takes a clip board from the assistant, and looks at Sorgano.
“Good Morning Sorgano” says the scientist looking over the chart.
“It may be for you, but I have had better” says Sorgano yawning and laying his head down. “Let’s just get this over with man. Then I can go back to sleep. Its way too early, freak.”
“Ok, well, I need to go get a few things I shall be right back” says the scientist laying the clip board down and walking out.
“Ok, this is just too easy. These guys are idiots.” Says Sorgano to himself as he stands up, opens the door quietly, peeks out to make sure things are clear, he steps out, runs down to the other room, peeks in seeing a man facing a bunch of computers, he walks quietly over to a bunch of cabinets, opens the quietly searching for the layout design, finds it, grabs it, folding it up he stuffs it in his pocket, runs back to the room, slips in quietly, and sits back down. The scientist walks in with a tray of needles and things. He walks over to Sorgano with a needle.
“Ok, this will only hurt a little” says the scientist.
“You always say that and your always wrong” says Sorgano holding out his arm calmly. The scientist looks at him, sticks it in, and pushes down on the back injecting the blue colored liquid inside him. Sorgano winces watching him. Then the scientist hands him pills to take, he takes them, and swallows the water. The scientist cuffs his hands again, walks him back down the corridor, threw the door, down the next corridor, and back into his cell. Then the scientist leaves, Perciville comes to the cell gate of his next to Sorgano, Sorgano slumps onto his bed and stares at the ugly gray ceiling.
“So, man, did you get it?” asks Perciville looking towards Sorgano’s cell.
“Of course I did! Did you doubt me?” asks Sorgano pulling it out of his pocket. “It was way too easy.”
“Great! Hang on. One second guys and I will have you out.” Perciville backs away from the bars and teleports himself on the other side of the cell. He then teleports into each cell taking Maria, Maribas, Sorgano, Luna, and Solaris out of their cells. They walk down the corridor to a lounge room they made in a secret hollowed out wall. They all take a seat around a table and Sorgano lays out the design. They each scour it and talk about a route out of this building.
“Ok, I think the safest and quickest route is threw the small labyrinth that goes threw the entire building” says Perciville looking at the others and pointing to the route.
“I like the sewer route even though its smelly” says Maribas looking at Perciville.
“Ew, that is a nasty route and so not good to go threw in a skirt” says Maria looking at the layout.
“Ok, we are taking the smaller labyrinth and that’s final” says Perciville rolling up the design. “You will still have to crawl in the skirt Maria, but you will be fine.”
“Ok, Perciville. Well, when shall we all leave then” asks Maria looking at everyone.
“Tonight” they say in unison. Then they head back and Perciville puts each on back into their cell. The scientists keep doing their rounds. Each one of them goes with the scientists and gets injected even though some fight. Then night falls and the building turns out the lights. Perciville takes out a flashlight turns it on and looks around.
“Ok, everyone ready” Perciville asks teleporting out.
“Yes” they all say in unison as Perciville goes around and takes each one out.
They each take a flashlight from under their beds before coming out with Perciville. They turn them on in the corridor, Perciville takes out the design, and they pick the way to go. They walk down the corridors, turning on and off the flashlights to hide, and they finally make it to the labyrinth opening. Perciville opens the door slowly, Maria climbs in turning on her flashlight again, Maribas follows her, then Sorgano, Perciville jumps in, then Luna, and finally Solaris. They crawl down the small corridor, Maribas watches Maria slightly looking up her skirt as she moves, and Sorgano tries to look around him.
“Maribas I suggest you look where your crawling and not at Maria” says Perciville looking at Marribas. Marribas looks back at Perciville grinning.
“Its so tempting though, Perciville” says Maribas as he turns back to follow Maria. They all crawl for about half an hour, then they come to the end of one part of the labyrinth, there is a door, they open it, and crawl out. Once out Perciville slaps Maribas.
“That’s for staring at my girls rear” sasys Perciville and looks at the design again.
“Friends shouldn’t fight ladies and gents” says a voice as the kids turn around in fear to see........
Ok, for those of you who werent on yesterday after a certain someone left! Im am considering LEAVING FOR GOOD!!!! I am sick of this site. Im sick of all its drama and headaches from its memembers. Its driving me up the wall.
Im surprised I havent gone mental! Im just so stressed and between the stalkers, jerks, and backstabbers on this site who wouldnt? So, anyways, Im tired of it! And my fight with a certain person on here (You Know Who You Are) was the last straw! Im threw with it! Im taking a break and thinking bout deleting my account for good! At the end of this week I will take my break for a week and then I will come back and tell whether I have decided to delete my account or not.
Thats all for now! You can forget the story!
Ok, I have decided what Im going to do with this world now!
And I guess some time I shall add "life drama" stuff into it if I decide to talk bout my day! What a drag!
Character List Time:
Solaris- 14 year old boy, black hair, blue eyes, average height and weight, white, and a rather nice boy!
Luna- 15 year old girl, black hair, blue eyes, average height and weight, white, and an ok nice girl.
Maribas- 22 year old boy, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, average, white, and different and aloof boy!
Sorgano- 21 year old boy, brown hair, hazel eyes, average, white, and sarcastic boy.
Maria- 20 year old girl, brown hair, blue eyes, average, pretty, white, and intellegent girl.
Perciville- 19 year old boy, black hair, brown eyes, average, white, muscular, and mysterious boy!
Ok, there is the characters! Now I shall begin work on the first chapter of this story!
~Meira Out~ ♥♥