OMGGGGGG, The Gentlemen's Alliance CROSS is almost over! Gah!!! I've got ten volumes out of the 11 total; and I'm TOTALLY curious what Arina Tanemura is going to do next! X3 Her art is sooo pretty and detailed and she just keeps getting better! I own her works: (In order of how I bought 'em.)
*Full Moon O Sagashite (all 7 volumes)
*The Gentlemen's Alliance CROSS (10 out of 11 volumes)
*Time Stranger Kyoko (all 3 volumes)
*I.O.N. (total of 1 volumes)!!!
I love her so much, that on I joined the group 'We luff Arina Tanemura <333' ( LOL!
12/17/09~(1:32 A.M.)