Yesterday my brother gave me a Thai Movie with the label First love (A little thing called love). I wasn’t really interested at first until earlier today.
He kept on bugging me and telling me to watch the movie already. And so I did. It was really funny. lol
Then sometime in the middle of the movie, he went out of his room and sat beside me. He was hitting my head at first and then he watched the movie together with me. He would say stuff like “OMGzzzz, don’t take your eyes off that part! it’s gonna be…” then I’d say “No spoiluhhhhhhzz!” lol my brother’s really playful x) When there were kilig moments, he’d shout out loud and act like a girl. Haha x)
My mom made spaghetti for our afternoon snack =D We ate while watching o_o
When the movie was about to end, he was still acting like he was a girl and kept on screaming. But when it was me who was screaming, he was like “what’s wrong with you?!” Lol.
The movie finished and we watched Kekkaishi on animax and he went back to his room.
I really love my brother <3

Uh-huh. It’s sunny outside! It feels so…. summery. lol. But I’m here, inside the house being lazy and just surfing the internet. I think I wanna do something. I’m not quite sure what I wanna do though…
I can’t go biking because the bike is broken… i think x) I don’t wanna go strolling also because our neighbor’s dogs are scary. I mean, they’d chase you around, not in a playful manner -.- And I thought of hula hooping! Haha x) But
i’m alone and it’s no fun by yourself.
So I think I’ll just go and organize my stuff =D At least that’s something I could freely do x)
But I was able to clean my room though. I thought of cleaning it because it was trashed. Lol. I was also able to find old papers from school and some old drawings when I was little. The papers were thrown away and the drawings were kept in a folder <3
I also cleaned the place where I always use my laptop. I don’t want dust all over my gadgets D=
And about the tea with my brother? He finished his one cup of tea and I drank the rest that was left in the teapot. Which turned out to be equal to 2 cups >< So all in all, I drank 3 cups of tea O_O That’s fine though since I like tea <3
I’m also helping a friend =D I did my part for today and I’ll continue tomorrow. Can’t spill what it is for now though x)
So yeah- good night everyone! ….or have a great day!
I suddenly remembered the times when I was still a very little kid.
We were living in a foreign country back then. I was still in kindergarten. My brother was in 2nd grade and my other brother was in 5th grade.
I remembered that every morning we were always in a hurry. After preparing, we wait for the bus to pick us up for school. While waiting, we would watch Dora the explorer and Little Bill.
When we hear the bus coming, we would kiss our parents and race towards the front door. When we finally reach the bus, we’d take different seats. Of course, we always sit beside our friends. I always sit beside my friends Tin-tin and Indah. The bus would become so noisy. There were those who kept on chatting, making loud noises, laughing so hard and it was just so fun to start every morning like that.
After we reach school, we go directly to our classrooms and classes would start. For lunch, me and my brothers would look for an open space and eat together.
It’s 3pm and the bell rings. We go to the bus to take us home.
Every afternoon, my mom would always bake cake! Yum. She’d also always let me lick the spoon. heeeee. After the batter is placed inside the oven, I’d grab my bike and go outside to play. My playmates? Indah and Tin-tin x) We’re neighbors. Sometimes, if we don’t go biking, we’d go rollerskating.
Then after a year, we moved back to the Philippines.
I went to this big school. English is always my best subject x) Because of some obvious reasons. haha.
Well everything is just different. Yeah but well, I like my home country better than that foreign country. heeeee.
I wonder if I’ll ever get to see my friends from before o_o I wonder if they still know me :O
It’s his first time drinking tea and he put too much sugar
But I’m glad he’s enjoying it. But I think I’ll be the one to finish the tea that’s left in the teapot.
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