new blog

Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast I forgot my height and weight :P

I like the color Red and Blue. The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.

I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more

Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs

Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards

You can find me where?

My Pick

No, it can't be.....!

Haha, I love you for reading this! ;)

Sorry, I'm bored >.>

good night.



>.> the internet is sooooooooo sloow. T_T

I'm not even able to view my world xD I'm always getting disconnected from chat, my browser would die on me for slowness, everything would suddenly stop loading D;

So uhm, have fun everyone.


A reminder to stay safe!

Take a look!


Pretty bright sunny day!

o3o The sun came out like, the other day and I was too lazy to post about it xD

so no more calamities and all...~

School was.... tiring. We practiced for mass songs because the 1st years are going to sponsor the Sunday Mass. we practiced for 2 days already :D

AND, I got surprised with my retention abilities...

Heh, I like, forgot to bring my weird glasses so I had difficulty looking at the words/lyrics sooooo I tried to remember lyrics of songs unknown to me. I just learned them for 1 and a half days (I was absent the first half XD) and I like, remembered 9 out of 10 songs. Lol.

Oh~ I feel awkwardly proud of myself XDDDDDDDD

okay so 'nuff about that....

I'm gonna go to church tomorrow 5:30pm because I "volunteered" to help in cleaning. (Though my friends forced me to >.>) Lol. So yeah.....

Two more months of school then it's summer! Heee.

27 random things about me!

Okay so this is an old meme xD just thought of making it out of randomness. 1. I am weird. 2. I wear glasses during classes. 3. I had braces since October 10. 4. My eyes are black. I'm the only one in the family who has bl...

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