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Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast I forgot my height and weight :P

I like the color Red and Blue. The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.

I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more

Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs

Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards

You can find me where?

My Pick


SOOOOOOO my mom told me that Our place Surigao Del Sur was declared that it was in the state of calamity.

Classes were canceled. :D We were told to wait for further notice and all.

Oh and, there's a landslide somewhere in our town.... and I dunno where exactly XP


I forgot to put in my other post that we were gonna go to Davao....

Ok 'nuff about that! We just got home (: I'm not really tired and all but the road on the way home was scary. I mean, the wind was strong and the roads on some towns were flooded :V We started travelling 11am and we got home 7pm :V

Tomorrow, classes will resume T^T sigh. Well anyway, I have to make a err.... a powerpoint about constellations and stuff for science tomorrow T^T

I should have done this early december T^T

[insert weird title here]

I dun have a title for this one ._.

Okay so it's like 4 am right now and this 5 am, we're (family) going out to attend a mass which is for our grandfather because it's his death anniversary today.

Sigh*, I went to sleep like 11 pm and I woke up 2 am because of some stupid mosquitoes =.= I applied anti-itch or whatever that was to the places where I was bitten so it won't itch (duh) and I tried going back to sleep for 2 hours =.= I like laid in bed and covered my whole body with a very thick blanket because it was very cold, but then I couldn't sleep. Then I tried just close my eyes so that before I would know, I'd fall asleep. But then, I still couldn't sleep. Then I did some other stuff to help me fall asleep but none worked ._.

I blame the mosquitoes >.> They should all just die, LOL


Dear me, it's already 2011! Happy new year dear friends! I love you all!

[WARNING]long post!

Last night was crazy ._.

It all started when I was left alone in the living room on 10pm. It was still okay that time because I'm used to staying up late alone in the living room. I didn't go to sleep yet because I was waiting for my big brother to come home. (he was out with his friends) Everyone was asleep.

That time, I was talking to WrongSpelling through Yahoo Messenger. So like, we were talking about crazy things and also random ones. Then we went to the topic of new years resolution. I ask what his is then he said he wanted to keep it a secret. Then he asked if I have my new yeas resolution, then I said "Maybe I have.... I'm not sure though" then we talked about changes, attitudes then he suddenly said "Common sense enhancements" That made me ROFL XD Seriously, because I'm sitting in the floor so that my laptop would be eye level because the table is super low =.= my brothers has occupied the "normal" tables.... so lol.

After the clock stroke midnight, I had so many WTF moments. I would always see in the corner of my eye the form of my brother sitting down on his chair ad using his laptop. But whenever I would look at the place where he's always using his laptop, no one's there. (**note that I have 2 brothers, John and William) I'm talking about John here.-- Then I went to his room to check if he was really there sleeping, his door was locked. I would always see that form. Which was getting creepy.

After that incident, I was starting to think that my other brother (William) would still come home. The time was already 2am. While I was thinking, I looked at the door. My eyes widen to see a persons shadow on the door. Seriously, I was ready to shout when a noise from the television came. (I was watching Discovery Channel-Myth Busters. They make loud noises) So then I tried taking that off my mind. I failed. I would always see a shadow in the door whenever I looked at it.

I shared this to WrongSpelling because he always encounters this kind of things. Then I couldn't take it anymore, I was was going to call my brother. but then, I couldn't stand up. My legs suddenly froze. I was shivering. It wasn't even cold. I tried to stand up but my feet didn't want to. It was like I was fighting against my own body! That was weird. When finally I managed to get up, I went to the telephone to call my brothers cellular. It turns out, my mind can't think straight that I can't even remember his number. So I went to my room to get my phone. My room is naturally scary because when you would look outside the window, you would see our old dog Sam's cage (who's in heaven right now) and also the bodega which is really dark. In addition, my room is super small and tight (good thing I'm not claustrophobic). after I got my phone, I went back to the telephone. I was able to reach my bro and told him to come home right now, the house is freakishly creepy. He was asking why I was the only one awake then he said that after the fireworks display, he would come home immediately.

Our conversation awoken my mother. I was like "FINALLY. I'm not the only one alone" I said to myself. Then we waited a few minutes for my bro to arrive but no one arrived. My mom decided to fetch him. She told me to go with her. So I said "bye" to WrongSpelling and we went to fetch my brother. We waited for some 20 minutes at the place where he said he was but then my father called saying he arrived home. Then we went home.

When we were all home, I directly proceeded to my room to sleep because I KNOW I needed it. Then before I could fly to my dreams, my brother gave me 100 pesos and said "That's for staying up late, thanks" I was the only one who stayed up and waited for him.

Lawl~! That was the weirdest night ever in my whole life.

Thanks for giving the time to read!
Happy new year!