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Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast I forgot my height and weight :P

I like the color Red and Blue. The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.

I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more

Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs

Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards

You can find me where?

My Pick

I'm sorry I just can't resist! xD

OMG lol XD so you're here reading weird post again! Hi~!

XD I was reading Saiyuki (d'oh) and I found this moment extremely cute!

So first it was like.......
External Image

Then it was like....
External Image

Well not all of you could relate to me because not all of you have read the manga so......

Lol. Gonna read again~

Saiyuki Saiyuki Saiyuki <3

Teehee, I'm almost done with Gensomaden Saiyuki. Kukukuku~
3 more volumes and Saiyuki Reload is my next target. Kukuku.

I thought that the story would be just like some average shounen manga fighting adventure thingy, but I was dead wrong. hoho~ It's hard to explain, but the story is really good~ Ho, for me maybe XP we have different tastes.

But there's something in the scanlations that are bothering me~ The spellings of names keep on changing o.O (Genjo/Genjyo, Sanzo/Sanzou, Saru/Zaru, Sa/Sha, etc etc.) Meh but that's something very minor XP And also the language's too.... o.O LAWL~ If you could understand figurative language. kuku~

Best quotable quote that I've read so far "I wonder why birds are made to be free..." "Are they free because they have wings? What if they get tired of flying in the middle of the ocean and there no branches to rest on? Maybe they would have regret having wings" ~It's by Koryu (younger Sanzo) and Sanzo Houshi (The Sanzo before the new gen. Sanzo)
Also this one "Murder doesn't really mean evil, right?" This one is also by Sanzo XP

***note: the quotes that I wrote are only paraphrased lines. They are not the exact words. People have different translations X)

kukuku~ I'll go on continue reading now.


Our house if full of smoke right now! T-T My mom was baking a cake then after how many minutes, the oven was giving off some weird smoke in which it shouldn't be! T^T. Then my parents let it stay like that for some 10 minutes but then, instead of cooling down, it gave off more smoke, now our whole house is filled with smoke. It smells weird o.O I tried to suggest putting a towel with cold water just to cool it down but then nobody would listen to me T^T. And now my father is try to fix it and seriously, I'm freakin' scared! T^T
I'm thinking of some things like.... argh! T^T

Smells really bad =.= The smoke is ugh.. if this continues, me and my brother's asthma might attack. Hope not.

Challenge ended, winners announced!

So my challenge just ended! Yey. I was going to post this a little earlier but then my internet was playing tricks on me. Gee, thanks a lot internet >.> The order will be from the last placer to the first. To those who entered, please...

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Reading something

So just recently, I started reading Saiyuki.

The story is really good. I like how everything just builds in place *nods*

The character design is also good.

I highly recommend it for those who's looking for good mangas/animes to watch and read