new blog

Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast I forgot my height and weight :P

I like the color Red and Blue. The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.

I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more

Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs

Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards

You can find me where?

My Pick

[Meme] In my pants

Put your playlist on shuffle.
◦When you get your song title, add "in my pants" after the song.
◦Do this 20 times.

1. Tomorrow in my pants
2. One more time, one more chance in my pants
3. Rampage in my pants XD
4. Morning Moods in my pants o.O
5. So close in my pants
6. Descendant of Shinobi in my pants ~Lawl
7. Time forgets in my pants
8. Canon in D version 8 in my pants
9. My love is here in my pants XDD
10. If I let you go in my pants
11. shake in my pants
12. 4:20 in my pants
13. Bridge over the troubled water in my pants
14. Lights lights up light for piano in my pants
15. Kaoru's love theme in my pants
16. Close your eyes in my pants
17. Pride in my pants
18. Left my hearts in my pants
19. Right now in my pants
20. Starstruck in my pants ~*Face palm*

hoho~! tagging everyone who reads this

My Christmas Day ~yesterday~ has been completed

Okay, the title was a bit too long. TOO long.

My Christmas Day ~yesterday~ has been completed

It reads just a normal Christmas day, ayt?

But this year, my Christmas day ended in a different way.

While I was lurking around Sephine's world ~perpetually hungry~ , I saw this post of hers. Hoho~ Brain teasers. Well it wasn't the first time I saw the post. But when it was the first time, I told myself,

"Brain teasers, ne? Hmmm...." Then while scrolling up and down the page, I said,

"Okay, I give up. How in the world should this be answered?!"

Then I left XD But the second time around, I was like,

"wait is that colon and E?!"

"So that means, that's "colony!""

The first one was my easiest XD and also the fastest. Then the others were mistake mistake mistake and in about an hour or so, I completed it!

How can you confirm your answers?
Well, me and Sephine were communicating through facebook and she confirmed my answers. The teaser that I spent the most time with was this one. I had zero idea what it was. But after I was able to answer it all, I like head desked. XD

You only needed literal understanding. And common sense XD

We started our convo 11:02 pm and ended 1:37. The convo wasn't totally about then teasers. we started talking about it hmm 12:20 am. So jah.

Sephine said she'll give me a little prize :33

I never felt so stupid ever before this happened xDDDDDD


Merry Christmas

It's already the 25th here in the Philippines. It's already Christmas
My family had Noche Buena 1 am instead of having it on midnight. My parents had to deliver some orders (we have poultry and sell dressed chickens) to some number of people so they came home late. very late. They arrived 11:15pm and my mother started cooking the Spaghetti. I helped her with the things that I can do. Then I was also the one who washed used plates and utensils to be used again. I dunno, but the spag took soooooooo long to finish. I think it was already 12:30 when it was done. So then that time, my mom starting to cook the Ham. Everything was finished 1am so we started eating. The food really didn't matter. By 12 midnight, we greeted each other a Merry Christmas and proceeded to continue the cooking. Then after that, we ate. It was really good. My favorite part was when all of us sat down in the dining table. With smiles on our faces. Even though this is the simplest Noche Buena I had, I think it's the best. It's hard to explain, but it's the best.

So to everybody, have a Merry, Merry Christmas.


o.o I didn't notice. It's already 2:30am.

By some weird twist of fate, our dog broke into our house.

Well our dog isn't allowed to come inside our house.

Then there came some little kids for Christmas Caroling and after maybe the 6th group, I went outside to give them some coins for their singing. When I opened the front door, our dog came barging in. She was walking around the house. She attempted to go to the rooms then we chased her XD This isn't her first time. She always comes inside whenever she hears firecrackers. Then she went to the kitchen. We thought she smelled food because we left Chicken adobo in the table. So then we decided to feed her. inside the kitchen xD But she didn't eat so we don't know what's going on with her. Then our eldest brother concluded that she missed humans playing with her.

The times when our eldest brother was away, for college, our house helper would always do cruelty to our dog. >:( Then I told my mom to tell our helper to stop it. I dunno if my mom told her. Our dog started to become all gloomy and sad. Then my father was surprised when he was bringing a broom to sweep the porch, our dog went on running away. SHE IS TRAUMATIZED. i think. she's afraid of the broom, that's new. So then we think that our helper has been hitting her with a wooden broom.

So then when we found out that she missed humans playing with her, we started to play. We led her outside then continued playing in the porch. But then whenever we go inside the house, she would always follow us. She seems to be a lot happier. Me and my two brothers, we're the only ones who play with her :( also not very often because we have school in the day and during the night, we would all stay inside. :(

She's also getting old. We need to spend more time with her. She's part of the family.

Also, my brother posted this on his facebook
"By some weird twist of fate, our dog broke into our house."

I wish she'll be happier.

weeabo meme

[x] You've seen at least one anime.
[x] You've read at least one manga.
[ ] You watch anime/read manga on a regular basis.
[x] You think that anime and western cartoons are two separate things.
[x] You're in anime club.
[ ] You've cosplayed at least once.
[ ] You counted Halloween costumes from when you were a kid as cosplay.
[ ] You cosplay in public.
[ ] You've been to at least one anime convention.
[ ] You cosplayed there.
[ ] You traveled more than 200 miles to get there.
[x] You like Japanese food.
[x] You like any of the following in particular: sushi, pocky, cheap ramen, ramune.
[x] You know that sushi isn't just raw fish.
[ ] You've made bento lunch.
[ ] You've made a charabento.
[x] You go to the Asian shop on a regular basis.
[ ] You've actually been to Japan.
[ ] You've been to Japan solely for the anime, videogames or idols.
[ ] You're learning/know Japanese.
[ ] You're learning it to watch anime without subtitles.
[ ] You have Japanese blood.
[ ] You CLAIM to have Japanese blood.
[ ] You're in love with a fictional anime character
[ ] You claim you're married to a fictional anime character.
[x] Anime is so much better than western cartoons. [well cartoons nowadays are... er]
[ ] You call all cartoons anime.
[ ] Anyone who hates anime is dead to you.
[x] You call characters by their original Japanese names
[ ] You call characters by their romaji spelling.
[ ] You defend Pearl Harbour.
[ ] You think Pearl Harbour's a new anime that just started airing in Japan.
[ ] You think Japan is the greatest country on Earth. [I still believe my country is the best, obviously]
[ ] You think that just because they make the best media.
[x] You listen to J-music.
[ ] Exclusively.
[x] You know that it's pronounced "Gakuto" and not "Gackt".
[ ] You can name all the Vocaloids.
[ ] WITHOUT looking it up.
[ ]You like Hetalia. [i dunno. I like the graphics, don't know the story]
[ ] You think Japan is the best character.
[ You wear items of anime-related clothing in public.
[ ] You play only Japanese videogames/watch Japanese shows/eat Japanese food.
[x] You use Japanese honorifics. [only online.]
[ ]To refer to yourself.
[ ] Your entire room is full of anime merchandise.
[ ] You changed your name to something Japanese. [lol]
[ ] Legally.
[ ] You want to give your kid a Japanese name.
[ ] You want to name your kid after an anime character.
[ ] You've considered having surgery to look oriental.
[ ] You've had it done.
[ ] You stalk the Japanese exchange students.
[ ] You've been arrested for doing so.
[ ] You use memes in daily conversation.
[ ] You watch abridged series.
[x] You get most of the jokes.
[ ] You use tildes while typing~
[ ] You use Japanese emoticons
[ ] You make attempt to Japanese sounding by the Engrish typing.
[ ] You claim you're Japanese on your dA/Facebook/Myspace/whatever.
[ ] You're not.
[ ]You're not even Asian.
[ ] If you're Asian, you think doing Japanese stuff helps you get in touch with your heritage.
[ ] And you're not even Japanese.
[ ] People call you a weeaboo.
[x] You prefer the term otaku.
[ ]You break out into Caramelldansen in public.
[ ] You want to date a Japanese person.
[ ] No other nationality will do.
[x] You watch(ed) Naruto.
[ ] You wear the headbands.
[ ] Every day.
[ ] You're bitching at me because they're properly called "forehead protectors"
[ ] You bought said headban- erm FOREHEAD PROTECTOR at Hot Topic.
[ ] You act out scenes from the show.
[ ] FFVII is the best game ever.
[ ] Sephiroth is yours.
[ ]Kingdom Hearts is awesome.
[ ] AxelxRoxas is KAWAII DESU NE~~~!!
[x] You wish you owned a real Death Note. [>:D]
[ ] Touhou rocks your life.
[ ] Anime dubs are the spawn of Satan.
[ ] Vic Mignogna is God.
[ ] It's seiyu, not voice actor.
[ ] You use Gratuitous Japanese all the time.
[ ] You add "desu" to the end of every sentence.
[ ] The only thing you draw is anime. [I draw anime probably the most but its not the only thing]
[ ] You're taking an art course, and all you submit is anime.
[ ] All your friends also like anime.
[ ] You want to become a mangaka.
[ ] In Japan.
[ ] Most of your manga/anime is hentai.
[x] You know that "hentai" doesn't mean "porn"
[ ] You write fanfics for English class. [no]
[ ] Yaoi fanfics.
[ ] You know nothing about Japanese culture except for anime, videogames, idols, music, porn and schoolgirls.
[ ] Everyone says you have no life.
[ ] And it's true.

Score: 18

0-10: You probably hate Japan. You're not a weeaboo at all, not even close.
10-20: You like SOME Japanese things but, still not a weeaboo.
20-30: At this stage you probably still hate weeaboos. Good news - you're not one.
30-40: You keep your love of Japanese stuff sensible.
40-50: You're very likely a Japanophile, but you're not as annoying as a full-blown weeaboo.
50-60: You're not a weeaboo just yet, but try and moderate it.
60-70: Weeaboo.
70-80: Please stop it!!!!!!
101: Insane asylum tiems.