new blog

Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast I forgot my height and weight :P

I like the color Red and Blue. The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.

I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more

Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs

Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards

You can find me where?

My Pick



I'm bored. My head is uhm, aching. I don't feel so good.

Maybe I'll just get drunk with photo shop.

have a great day everyone!

''Yes, they have made a very big booboo on the parrot,''

When I opened my Yahoo Messenger, a news that said "Uproar over PH's error-filled banknotes" caught my eyes.

Some days ago, it was on the news that the new peso bills would be spread starting the next day. I think the news was on Dec. 16, 2010. But now, the news said, that a cartographer cited many errors! I mean, is that the kind of bills that they'll be spreading? I don't think so.

What now BSP?

Sources: PH in uproar over error-filled peso bills &
New Peso bills unveiled

Home sweet home!

We went to Davao directly after our Christmas Parteh. We arrived hmm, 10 pm. Then after a long story, I went to sleep almost 12 midnight. XD

My brother is home from Manila, YEY!

And we just got home today! I'm not really tired. Lol. Haven't eaten dinner yet xDD

So yeah.....

The Christmas party was great! IT was really fun! Best one I had so far. Especially the "Flour fight" part. Lol. Everyone started throwing Flour after the flour blowing game XD
The first part was inside the classroom. Then the part two was outside when we were supposed to be cleaning. Lol.

And... I received something. duh


I can't comment on anything right now. Internet has been really SLOW. And when I try to comment, it would redirect me to another page. Except for worlds that is.

Tha's all!

Happy Holidays!


Exams arreeee doooone!

Tomorrow we'll be having our school christmas party.

I'm not really excited and all, but yey! It only happens once in a school year so.... *throws confetti* We'll have a nice little party!

Tha's all!

~HAppy Holidays!

Almost done! Hurrah!

2 days of exam done, 1 more to go! Then after that, Christmas party and Christmas Break! Yey!

I feel so happy!

The exams were easier than those exams of last quarter T^T

History was easy~
Automotive was er.... okay xD
Math was surprisingly not hard, but also not easy :)
Christian Living was hard cause I didn't study XD
English was eassssy :3

So for tomorrow, Filipino and Science.

Ohhh, I got a new wallpaper for my phone~ and my father exchanged his phone for mine. :3

I got it from zedge :)

which way

I really like it