I wonder if October will be a lot more nicer than September.
Yes, the title says it all.
I'm really getting busy, both at school and my everyday personal life. There are homework everyday, projects every week plus I joined the Science investigatory project making (I'll be the one to defend our project), plus student council stuff~
I'm not quite sure if I can still balance everything but I'm just well, setting my priorities. I can't continue being "unorganized" like this, lol.
I'll be lurking though, but I doubt I could comment or submit anything. So well, wee you guys this March! Or maybe this Christmas... or any holiday! :))
Wait uh, Aug 29 and 30 is a holiday =O BUT I can't go online since I'll be out of town XD
Bye :D
I am the most outdated person that's why I'll be asking this, does anybody know about facebook putting up the contact information (mobile numbers) of friends?
I just read this post minutes ago:
NUMBERS OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS are now on Facebook! NO JOKE!!! Go to the
top right of the screen, click on Account, then click on Edit Friends,
go left of the screen and click on Contacts. All phone numbers are
published. Please repost this on your Status, so your friends can remove
their numbers and thus prevent abuse.
I did see the mobile numbers of some ._.
This post is dedicated to everyone who took time to visit my portfolio, sent me gifts and gave me dedications for my birthday!
You guys are the best <:
Thanks again! I wasn't able to post about this earlier this week because I've been dead busy! T.T Too much workload :<
I received different kinds of gifts.
-My father gave me an advanced gift last July, a smartphone. Samsung galaxy fit :D It's got android Froyo and has 2gb micro SD card in the box.
-My parents (mom & dad) gave me money :3 10,000PHP. That's about 235 USD. derp, I saved the money though, I don't like spending.
-I gave myself a 16gb Micro SD card (for my phone) because 2gb isn't enough for me :P
-my best friend gave me a woven bracelet, which she made herself <3
-a friend of mine from school, shared with me the fruit he was eating (Macopa)He said that he bought it just so that he can share it(?) lol.
-I got a call from some friends who are in Davao! (Yes yes, I consider that a gift, lol)
-My brother gave me a mini domo bag <3
Anyway, I'm 14! Yey o/ and yesterday, I took a little time to watch HP7 part 1&2. I'm a little disappointed with the graphics because the past movies seemed to have better graphics. Well anyway, the story was good <3 I still prefer the books though, lol :3
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I didn't have a big party last tenth of August, but I did have an ice cream party . At 6pm today (August 13) I'll have guests come over for dinner. Many guests XD
Oh guess what! :"> I wrote a short story for our English class! I wouldn't say it's great, but it isn't bad either xD I might post it after I'm able to encode it. :>
Our finals would be next week T.T August 18,19 and 20. I'm studying math in advance, don't wanna fail that~ Tohoho~
Last month, July, was the busiest month ever! Lol, for us officers, that is T.T every friday, there was a party which was facilitated by the SMP (us) So yeah. busy busy busy. I was in-charge of music, videos, and everything that was computer-related. Plus I was the one who was assigned to design and print out the invitations. Oh well. Lol <3
I think I'll end my post there, for now.
I've had my MT account for soooooooo long but I only have it to look for scans and so I just thought that maybe I should try to... submit walls there? XD well not the nooby wallpapers, but the ones I think could pass their standard XD I know how high their standards are o_o
Well... i'll try XD