new blog
Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast
I forgot my height and weight :P
I like the color Red and Blue.
The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.
I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more 
Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs
Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards
You can find me where?
My Pick
I'm a member of this forum [I won't tell what forum it is] and there are quite a lot of cold members. Pfft. They're really different from the people here on theO.
Someone told me this " no need to feel bad in here...because nobody cares about you in here" and I was like "lol XDD, okay"
Well, just sharing. Teehee.
it's already past midnight. It has been a long day for me. I've done a lot of things. So i say, good night and good day!
A poem I created lolz (I'm not good at writing poems XD)
I was once hurt,
Now I stand up.
I’ve fixed my broken heart,
Now it’s not shattered and shut.
I once lost hope,
Now I found an inspiration.
I’ve learned to cope,
Without having misconceptions.
I am new,
I am fresh.
Through the years I grew,
All because of you.
This is just an attempt XD
Here's Facts number 21-40 ^_^
21. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spades = David ; Clubs = Alexander the Great ; Hearts = Charlemagne ; Diamonds = Caesar
22. 40% of McDonald’s profits c...
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Today is just a normal day. A usual Wednesday. The weather is fine. It's such a normal day that I have no idea what to write. So because of that, I'll just be posting random stuff XD
Tomorrow, we'll be going out of town. So it's possible th...
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It's so irritating to' see and hear people say that they know everything about that certain anime, manga or anything! They don't even know the main story or the plot! It's just so... irritating! Always bragging about this and that. But if you ask a question, they stare at you with no answer! I mean, c'mon! If you don't know anything about that "thing" don't brag! Instead, research! So that when the time comes that you'll be asked one stupid question, you have an answer!
That is all. Loads of steam. Gahh!