Well, about my other post, the dream-reality encounter thing? I just realized something!
I was thinking about that certain "dream" incident over and over again and came to realize that I wasn't actually dreaming. But, I was thinking subconsciously.
The part where there was the "screenshot" of the TV remote, was that, my eyes were half-open, therefore, I had that certain image on my mind xD
The part where my body really felt heavy, was that the temperature at home has risen significantly after I fell asleep. It's the same thing as, a normal hot day wherein you don't wanna move and you have a very heavy feeling.
Lol. I feel stupid all of a sudden believing that I took a glimpse of another world :P
About the double deck thing too, it's the same thing! But well, the noise... I suddenly remembered that behind our house is a road and maybe a car passed by and my stupid brain kept on repeating and repeating the sound of the car.
Well now that that's solved, my fear of falling asleep while I am alone has lessen.
And also, about anyone who has dream-related problems, don't worry!
I've read in a book once, forgot the name but it was a book mainly about how the human brain works. It says that when we sleep, we are in the "rest-mode", wherein our brains rest and our bodies recover energy. Our brains actually NEVER stop working, even if we're asleep. So people who would have "dreams" are mostly the ones stressed out, worried, have something in mind, very happy or active the day before and etc etc. So dreams are images being flickered in our brain while we are at rest mode. usually some images than may connect to our activities the day before :3
For example, the whole day you had a baseball game, you went home, ate dinner, and slept. There's a possibility that you might dream of something like, you lost a very important game, or maybe, something happened to your arm and you can't pitch~ but those are negative examples xD sorry can't think of any positives.
Just don't think too much and dreams won't affect your lives~ well except if you LET IT AFFECT YOU. ya know, something like, Don Fernando of Ibong Adarna xD
*this part of the post isn't actually the real post but keep on reading*
I've been busy with school and stuff so yeah, I ain't really posting about anything lately XD
(I was gonna have my dream in another page but there seems to be a glitch so.... here it is! Kinda long XD
Have you ever experienced when you can't differentiate whether you're dreaming or actually awake? I have.
It was May 30th, a Monday. I went to school for the student council meeting but it was cancelled. So I went home on 9'o clock. no one was home. I was watching TV when I felt that the place was getting hotter and so I turned on the AC. I looked at the clock and it was already 11:15am. The show was Mad labs. while watching, I dozed off in the living room sofa.
I felt that hours have past and thought maybe that it was already evening. I opened my eyes and saw the TV remote on the floor. I kept staring at it. My body couldn't move. I mean, the part from my head down to my knees. But the part below my knees down to my foot could move. So I tried pushing myself from the sofa using my feet so that I would fall on the floor and maybe my body would be able to move again. I was very heavy! But I managed to land on the floor and my body was movable again.
I stood up. I walked towards my room so that I could sleep properly, but something was wrong. I really felt that I was walking but the thing I was seeing? I saw the same seen from when I was staring at the TV remote. it seemed to be like a "screenshot" of the cite. So where ever I go, whatever I do, my eyes were blocked with that "screenshot" of the remote. I was getting worried. I jumped, I slapped myself, I shaked my head but nothing. Then suddenly, I fell down!
I opened my eyes and saw that I was lying back on the sofa. I woke up looking at the TV remote on the floor. my body was normal. I stood up to look at the time and my body really felt heavy. The same feeling when it's a lazy summer day and you slept for 15hours and you just woke up. After I got up, I looked at the time and saw that I only fell asleep for 15minutes. it was still 11:30am of the same day. So meaning, I was only dreaming. It wasn't real.
I also experienced this sometime ago, maybe summer of 2009. Though until now, I'm not sure if it was a dream or not.
We were in Davao. At home, we did some normal stuff like any family would do. A visitor came and decided to sleep there for one night, my room was the one to be used so I'll be sleeping in my bro's room. The room had a double deck and I took the upper deck.
It was about 10pm and I decided to sleep. My brother was still wide awake and surfing the internet (according to my mom, my brother slept already 6am).
I fell asleep and was woken up by a noise in the kitchen. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was facing the wall. So I didn't see what was happening. I couldn't move at all! My body was just.... immovable. I was already scared because the noise continued and I could see some shadows on the wall. I thought that someone or some thing was there! I was shaking out of fear. In my mind, I thought that I'd die that night so I decided to just close my eyes. I just couldn't move.
Then I woke up and it was morning! During breakfast, I shared to everyone what I experienced that night and that I was shaking and couldn't move. No one believed me (maybe because it never really did happen). told them I woke up that night facing the wall. Then my mom reminded me saying that, my beside my brother's bed is a window not a wall. I was stoned. my brother then said "Maybe you were dreaming and didn't realize that it was only a dream". I was like, wth happened.
And now, I'm afraid to sleep when I'm alone. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- ._.
I wonder though, why is it hard for me to differentiate A dream from reality :| it was just.... so true.
awesome! though tiring.
I woke up late XD around 10am lol. I ate breakfast then lunch after two hours @_@
Then took a bath, read a book, watched TV, and begged my brother to assemble the bicycle with me! XD
He finally agreed after nearly 2 hours of asking and begging. lol. We then started to take the pieces out of the box and started assembling. We then discovered that the Hex key wrench was needed and we lost ours. So I went out with my mom to buy the said wrench and went back home immediately. and we finished the bike. Though the tires were flat.
anyway, my brother will be leaving for college tomorrow. so....... :(
This coming July 6, classes will start once again. I'm actually fine with it, it's just that, I haven't done anything productive this summer so I feel kinda unfinished. /sigh. Though I learned a couple new songs to play on the piano c: Only a few because I'm very lazy when it comes to reading sheet music. it's boring -.-
Yesterday, I went to school because a meeting was called for all the student council members. We discussed about decorating and filling our bulletin boards with important information for the new students, and the president told us that we should read the "student council constitution and by-laws". Lucky me I already finished reading the whole handbook x) The next meeting will be this coming Monday.
Aside from upcoming school stuff, everything's fine! Though I have this little allergy with dust XD A general cleaning was done in our whole house so there's dust everywhere. I was sneezing a lot @_@ and my eyes became itchy and some other allergic reactions~
There are lots of fruits at home right now. We made fruit salad yesterday and it was all gone by lunch time today :c We also had watermelon after dinner! And my mom made spaghetti c: lol spaghamelon anyone? XD
That is all c:
A techie post!
clamshell phones are kinda getting old, yes, but lol, I still use one c: Nowadays, people are going crazy over touch screen smart phones and all. But my phone is also touch screen lol. ok back to what I was saying. About clamshell phones, anyone still use it?
Oh guess what! Here's a clamshell phone by Sharp that'll be the world's first android clamshell :3 Read full details here.

Aquos Phone Hybrid 007SH, Sharp’s First Clamshell Android Smartphone
what do you guys think?