new blog
Name: Sarah Patricia
Username: SarahPatricia
Birth date: 10 August 1997 [15 right now]
Short description: I'm from the Philippines. And I'm a quarter Chinese. I have got black hair, black eyes, and I can type fast
I forgot my height and weight :P
I like the color Red and Blue.
The food that I like most is Chocolate! lols. I also like Mango Shrimp Salad. Yum.
I'm not normally lazy but I think I transformed somehow. xDDD Well, in my posts, you might be able to know me a little more 
Other worlds:
Musika | Studio D'Art | World of WIPs
Fan arts | Wallpapers | Comics | eCards
You can find me where?
My Pick
I got ten on my guest book and that makes me a great friend? X) well thank you thank you! *bows* lol
I'm currently using my mom's laptop because mine died and needs to be recharged XD
I'm also eating chocolate Ice cream! XD who wants some? c:
leave me a message/Pm/comment if you want c:
k,bai C:
lol I voted for Kamina of Gurren Lagann XD I wonder if anyone agrees with me c:
ne way, me is in the coffee shoppe! blah, the internet connection here is also slow but at least it's faster than the one in the room [3rd floor of the hotel]
I'm able to comment on stuff when I'm on here lol xD
Ugh bad timing >< My laptop is almost running out of battery D; and I was enjoying the internet TT_TT
see you if I see you c:
Ok, "w00t for wifi" lol well the signal is very poor. ok poorer than poor XD it's so slow but it's okay for me cause I have Opera and it has opera turbo :3 (Though I'm forced to disable images :c)
It's currently 6:52pm and we are in the ho...
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Looky looky at my desktop wallpaper XD It's GIN!

Oh and, if ever you leave comments, don't expect me to reply immediately. We'll be going out of town for about 7-10 days and I'm not sure if I could get online in between those times o-o
Blah, gonna sleep now, we'll travel tomorrow. nyt & good day x)
Oh and Happy Mothers' day! <3