My Season! UPDATE!

Okay! It's been quite a while since I've posted anything here!

Right now, I'm sitting in front of my laptop, trying to make my history project, which is due tomorrow. It's really boring. But I need to finish it.

I got a new haircut last Sunday. It looks the same but, shorter.

This Friday, we'll have an honor's assembly, which means that all the students who excel in there lessons will be recognized. The Sophomores were asked to organize it and they chose the theme "HALLOWEEN" A lil to late, Ikr Then there's this contest by year level which is the "Silent movie" I'm like, in charge of all the sound effects, light setup, and geeky computer stuff. Because, according to our teacher "Sarah, you do all those, because you're good with manipulating computers" And I was like.... speechless. I can't say no So yeah, making some sound effect thingies and trying to figure out how I should do the lighting. Spotlight maybe? lol, not yet sure.

Oh andddddddd, I made a new tumblog. I'm like, a whole n00b to it and all and I'm hoping if you otakus could help me progress

so like, help me out, okay? Pretty please? I'm a total n00b, I know.

I've been spending a lot of time reading MLIAs

So like, yeah. Oh and I got my nails polished LOLLLLL

it's already 10:16 pm and I'm not yet done with my history project and I'm hungry.

-------see you all some time later!
