And I was like...

And I was like :/

Our class advisers hates us. And we have accepted that fact. We won't force him to like us. He keeps on saying that we are "Plastic" inside the classroom. But he does not know one fact. He does NOT know that we are only being our true selves inside the class. No fakers. All true. He thinks we're competing against each other. NO WE'RE NOT. He says that he's only inside our classroom for less than 2 hours. Heck, that's the main reason why he doesn't know us. AWFUL.

Sigh. Being a "homogeneous" (First section) class, the teachers expect a lot from us. But, we did not know that they expect that much. Too much pressure. Most especially for me. I'm the class mayor, I'm in-charge of the class, I'm the one who gets in trouble if there's something wrong, I'm the one who does everything. And what do I get? "Sarah, there's no need to be pressured. No one's pressuring you" Says one teacher. But they're the one who's pressuring us. Pressuring me. They just don't know. And when I try to explain, they call it talk back.

SIGH. I cried so hard my eyes almost fell off because of pressure some few weeks ago because of them pressuring me. AND THEY SAID, "I never saw a student cry because of pressure before. This is my first time." I thought they'd understand. I thought that because they were once a student. Taking in much pressure is hard. I don't normally cry because of just "PRESSURE" But that time, I got full. I couldn't take it anymore. I popped like a balloon. a balloon that's full of so much excess air. Damn it.

Since that day, nothing will ever be the same.

2011 is coming, I wonder if 2011 will be nice to me. But I doubt it.

Anyway, so how's your day?

OH BTW, finals are coming. This TUESDAY. 3 days of exam. SHEESH. Then there's this dance on Monday(Modern, native, waltz).

But meh, it won't kill me, so I'll just face 'em all!

I ask again, how was your day?
