Merry Christmas

It's already the 25th here in the Philippines. It's already Christmas
My family had Noche Buena 1 am instead of having it on midnight. My parents had to deliver some orders (we have poultry and sell dressed chickens) to some number of people so they came home late. very late. They arrived 11:15pm and my mother started cooking the Spaghetti. I helped her with the things that I can do. Then I was also the one who washed used plates and utensils to be used again. I dunno, but the spag took soooooooo long to finish. I think it was already 12:30 when it was done. So then that time, my mom starting to cook the Ham. Everything was finished 1am so we started eating. The food really didn't matter. By 12 midnight, we greeted each other a Merry Christmas and proceeded to continue the cooking. Then after that, we ate. It was really good. My favorite part was when all of us sat down in the dining table. With smiles on our faces. Even though this is the simplest Noche Buena I had, I think it's the best. It's hard to explain, but it's the best.

So to everybody, have a Merry, Merry Christmas.


o.o I didn't notice. It's already 2:30am.
