My Christmas Day ~yesterday~ has been completed

Okay, the title was a bit too long. TOO long.

My Christmas Day ~yesterday~ has been completed

It reads just a normal Christmas day, ayt?

But this year, my Christmas day ended in a different way.

While I was lurking around Sephine's world ~perpetually hungry~ , I saw this post of hers. Hoho~ Brain teasers. Well it wasn't the first time I saw the post. But when it was the first time, I told myself,

"Brain teasers, ne? Hmmm...." Then while scrolling up and down the page, I said,

"Okay, I give up. How in the world should this be answered?!"

Then I left XD But the second time around, I was like,

"wait is that colon and E?!"

"So that means, that's "colony!""

The first one was my easiest XD and also the fastest. Then the others were mistake mistake mistake and in about an hour or so, I completed it!

How can you confirm your answers?
Well, me and Sephine were communicating through facebook and she confirmed my answers. The teaser that I spent the most time with was this one. I had zero idea what it was. But after I was able to answer it all, I like head desked. XD

You only needed literal understanding. And common sense XD

We started our convo 11:02 pm and ended 1:37. The convo wasn't totally about then teasers. we started talking about it hmm 12:20 am. So jah.

Sephine said she'll give me a little prize :33

I never felt so stupid ever before this happened xDDDDDD

