27 random things about me!

Okay so this is an old meme xD just thought of making it out of randomness.

1. I am weird.
2. I wear glasses during classes.
3. I had braces since October 10.
4. My eyes are black. I'm the only one in the family who has black eyes.
5. I say weird things all the time.
6. I sometimes laugh for no reason.
8. I hate people who think that I'm really good at computer stuff because I'm not.
9. I love apples.
10. I love chocolates :D
11. I'm not the kind of person who gives second chances.
12. I never really study XD that makes me stressed the next day.
13. I always depend on my stored knowledge.
14. I like random things.
15. I don't believe in destiny.
16. I like doing things for fun.
17. When I'm aggravated, you don't wanna talk to me.
18. I don't like being emo.
19. Since I met new friends, I would always look on the brighter side.
20. I don't like people who are plastic.
21. I don't like people who copy and don't have originality.
22. I love math but math seems to hate me.
23. I find it quite fun to stare into the deep empty space.
24. I'm always staring somewhere far for some unknown reasons.
25. I lied in everything that I said above.
26. 25 was a lie.
27. 26 was true ;)

