Pretty bright sunny day!

o3o The sun came out like, the other day and I was too lazy to post about it xD

so no more calamities and all...~

School was.... tiring. We practiced for mass songs because the 1st years are going to sponsor the Sunday Mass. we practiced for 2 days already :D

AND, I got surprised with my retention abilities...

Heh, I like, forgot to bring my weird glasses so I had difficulty looking at the words/lyrics sooooo I tried to remember lyrics of songs unknown to me. I just learned them for 1 and a half days (I was absent the first half XD) and I like, remembered 9 out of 10 songs. Lol.

Oh~ I feel awkwardly proud of myself XDDDDDDDD

okay so 'nuff about that....

I'm gonna go to church tomorrow 5:30pm because I "volunteered" to help in cleaning. (Though my friends forced me to >.>) Lol. So yeah.....

Two more months of school then it's summer! Heee.
