Been Busy ~.~ [long post!]

This week was horribly busy. >.< So many projects and stuff >_> plus script-making, dance practices, and preparation for the students' day.

I had no idea that it was exam week so the first few days, I was really care-free. But then my classmate asked me, "Hey Sarah! I'm confused, what's the difference between coefficient and constant? Please help! I don't wanna fail the summative test this Friday" And I was like "WHAT? I thought the test was next week!" Then I went to teach her some stuff in math >.>

After I knew that we'll be having a test on Friday-Saturday, I crammed! I mean, it was already Wednesday and I haven't started studying. That was bad. Good thing we only tackled some 2-3 topics per subject. Phew!

On Thursday:
Our school's assistant principal told me that I would be delivering the opening remarks for the school workers' day T^T. I don't like standing in front of the whole school XD. Then our social studies/history teacher told us that we'll be having another project. //sigh*

On Friday:
First day of tests! But I had very small to worry about because the subjects on that day were easy~ Technology and livelihood education, Science, English, Christian Living(religion/Theology) Easy subjects :3

On Saturday: (TODAY)
Today's the second and last day of the test :3 The subjects were hard >_< Math, Filipino, Social Studies and MAPEH.
And this afternoon, we practiced for the "Animo show" which is some kind of show in our school where in all schools in our city is invited. We'll be dancing the Korean Fan dance that we presented on the culminating activity for UNO week, which was also a contest~ and we won :3

The whole week:
Mass demo practice. Which is weird and a little embarrassing but really fun! ^_^

Also, my English teacher chose me to be her student teacher for the students' day. :3 Only for the first years though XD On the students' day, the school will be "teacher-free" which will be awesome! No teachers, just students. :3 There's even a student principal and stuff XD But the student teachers will be really busy though D:


So for the next 3 days, it'll be fun and free time! So I can work on some wallpapers and artworks that I'm planning to enter for contests. I have many o.o



Yippee! I thank everyone for supporting me and my artwork! Thank you very much! ^_^
Thank you for: Quiet Noise, rosel D, KrondorianV, and ecnelisterger for the gift and congratulating me! You guys are all amazing!


Just like WrongSpelling, I'm one of the busiest students in school XD I mean, I'm the leader of our group in Math, English, TLE, Filipino, Social Studies, Computer, CL, Science and maybe all subjects XD And I'm also the class mayor. I also still need to make my opening remarks. Plus, for our mass on Wednesday, i'll be the First reading :P Then I have to practice for the Mass demo and Korean fan dance. Two dances T^T. Then there's this thing that I need to write an article about the launching of the UNO week celebration. Plus we have many projects to finish. and I need to prepare for the students' day (have I mentioned this already? XD)

As you can see, time time time time and time is important. plus being diligent and responsible. :D It's hard T^T.



