Laptop problem

So yeah. I have a huge virus prob with mah laptop XP

I let my brother's friend, WrongSpelling, borrow it because they were going to edit something in school. I said yes, of course. I know how he's very careful with techie stuff.

Then, during noon time, my brother and WrongSpelling told me that there was a bad news concerning my laptop.

They said it was infected. Ugh. They say it was because they used the usb to transfer files and they didn't bother to scan it. Sigh*

Well, anyway, I'm using my mom's laptop since i can't do anything mine. I'm doing some back-ups before I reformat and re-install my OS. -.-

I'll be losing my music, 600+. My documents. My games xD, some of my favorite programs, and some other things i rarely use XD

Good thing i saved photoshop in New Volume D.

Ah well~ So I hope it'll be fixed before Monday =.=

Oh and, I can't photoshop when it isn't fixed cause my mo's laptop doesn't have photoshop XD

