Summer's almost over :c

This coming July 6, classes will start once again. I'm actually fine with it, it's just that, I haven't done anything productive this summer so I feel kinda unfinished. /sigh. Though I learned a couple new songs to play on the piano c: Only a few because I'm very lazy when it comes to reading sheet music. it's boring -.-

Yesterday, I went to school because a meeting was called for all the student council members. We discussed about decorating and filling our bulletin boards with important information for the new students, and the president told us that we should read the "student council constitution and by-laws". Lucky me I already finished reading the whole handbook x) The next meeting will be this coming Monday.

Aside from upcoming school stuff, everything's fine! Though I have this little allergy with dust XD A general cleaning was done in our whole house so there's dust everywhere. I was sneezing a lot @_@ and my eyes became itchy and some other allergic reactions~

There are lots of fruits at home right now. We made fruit salad yesterday and it was all gone by lunch time today :c We also had watermelon after dinner! And my mom made spaghetti c: lol spaghamelon anyone? XD

That is all c:
