TT^TT So sad....

WAHHHHHHHHHHH! TT^TT Today was ok..... *sniffle*
But except for the fact that I didn't study at all and got a stupid 69 on my geometry midterm (TTT^TTT), and then I lost my awesome pencil..... TTTTT^TTTTT It had to be the ONE thing that fell out of my little bag.... on the bus... where some kid's now gonna' see it, and have their grubby little hands all over it, and use it's awesomeness. TT^TT But I still have my pen that doesn't write too well...... *sniffle* Grubby little kids....
But, on the upside, me and pikmin541 went to the library teen meeting thing, and ate cookies and made little winter crafts -w- we made little not really snowglobe snowglobe thingies. Their cute!!! -w-
*desolate, dark, damp, and cobwebby corner* I think I might have a funeral for my pencil..... *sniffle* and my grades.... *sob*
