WOOO! Going organic.... organic milk, eggs, granola cereal, yogurt, and bacon, along with eco friendly tissues, that my mom accidently death-threw at the wall above my bed. XD WOO! Go organic things! :D *dances* You still have to check ingredients, because some things still had hormones and things in them, so... yeah... :D
I don't think health class is stupid anymore. ._. Well, at least this section of it.... we watched a movie in there called Food Inc. OH. MY. GOT. That movie will make you cry, throw up, be horrified, be disgusted, and change your whole view on your life entirely. .-. Unless your just an uncaring, unfeeling, heartless wrench. We have a lot of those in our school..... that movie is not for people with weak stomachs or for animal-lovers, though, because everything is really graphic....

But anyways. :3 I have to go up North to visit my family for the five days we have spring break. I don't think it's going to be that fun. .-. XD But oh well. Still not doing my homework, still not caring all that much about school... XD
Peace out!
