Really? Really??

.... Socializing is hard. Not just conversations, but keeping social relationships with others. I'm sitting here, listening to my angry playlist (which is only like four songs), and I'm just thinking about life.
Two of some of my only friends are in a fight, and... it's all about how the world works. One is angry about how the world works, and the other is trying to convince them that their anger is unfair. I am not taking a side. My teacher told me to stay out of it completely. I was going to do that anyways, but it's so hard not to get involved. :/ I'm just confused and frustrated right now. I'm not raging angry because it's best to focus on myself and my problems, like my counselor says, but I just hate fighting. I guess it is a fact of life, though. Conflicts happen. It can't be hunky-dory all the time. I just hope that my two friends will start to be friends with each other again. :( It doesn't look like it this time... at least from what I can tell.
