
Uh I'm just gonna' post like a million times in my world because this is pretty much the only blog I have left. Besides deviantArt... But none of my real life friends get on here anymore, so they won't see this, and that's kind of the point. I think it's just because I don't like to upset and worry people who are close to me because I have a lot of moods and some are easily fixed, but some aren't, and only the ones that aren't are the ones they need to worry about.
So.... I went to our school's AFJROTC Awards Banquet yesterday. I didn't get any medals, just the basic stuff because I never participate in our corps. But our instructors are leaving after this year, and they got up and cried, and then a cadet got up and cried, and then I was crying, and I hugged both of them... and then I went home and cried. That last part is an excess of crying. I didn't go to where I live to cry, I went across the street to the only home I have left. It's just a creepy abandoned house now, and I still have nightmares about it, but it seems like that's all I have left. And now I'm losing my high school, and pretty much everybody I know. But I guess growing up means creating your own home. And knowing that there never is such a thing as a home.
I don't know. I always try to give advice, but I'm just tired of it right now. I just want to do something that makes me happy. I don't want to be successful or rise in society or be famous. I just want to feel content for a minute.
I'm going out to watch fireflies.
