TL;DR: stoopit

Yep I got my school computer wiped of alllll the school block stuff. Sadly that meant it got rid of everything else, too. Including all of my tabs... and downloads... and documents...
OH and you know what I did? Right before it was to get wiped, I was going to save my music. I found two SEPARATE folders of music, all with the same music. I decided that one folder was taking up space, and I would just save the computer lady the trouble. So I deleted it.
And you know what it did.
Yeah, you know.
SO... now I only have my music I saved from my downloads folder. Oh god. I deleted all 2,386 songs. Every. Single. One.
Whatever. I'm not going to fret. I'm not that upset about it, it just seems funny. Moving on.

I've decided to write comics. I will title them... Melancholy. They're kind of inspired by Calvin and Hobbes, except... their sad. They've got philosophical babble in them, and daydreaming, but that is probably going to be the only difference. I just hope TheOtaku accepts them. I did them in pen and left all the mess-ups in. *Shrugs.* And they aren't fabulous artwork. They're just stick figures. But they are fun to make.
Oh, and I created that poetry world after all. It's called Po for your Etry. I only have one of my poems up there, but I will post more. Maybe some old ones.
Oh, and you guys will love this: my aunt told me a while ago that once I leave for college, this won't be my home anymore. That's right: I'm taking up too much space in her life, so she wants me out. But lots of people don't have homes. A home could mean a place or a person, and lots of people don't have either of those. So why should I make a big deal out of it? Once I get a job and my own place to stay, I won't need anybody or anywhere else. Maybe some occasional company, but that's all. Maybe a cat, too.
I sent out birthday presents to my friends the other day. One was a CD mix, and the other was a picture book made by me. The picture book won't get there in time, as it's going to Australia and her birthday was yesterday, but maybe the CD will since it's only going to Canada, and her birthday is on the second of June. Who knows. I just hope they both like their presents!!! :D
Wow, this is long. Huh. Oh well.
