Long Stupid Stupid

Damn, I'm feeling so talkative.
I am wondering where the writing challenges are for the CreativeCommunity. Even though I'm stubborn and won't write. I was at least hoping for a monthly challenge. I'll probably contact somebody instead of just complaining about it.
Let's see... still no job. Which sucks. But I am going to look into volunteering here. So I won't be stuck in the house all day.
In other, more exciting news, I'm re-reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel Wyrd Sisters, which is inspiring me to write, and to write fiction at that. I want kings to die, mountains to implode, nefarious plots to be put into motion and, best of all, tragedy to strike into the hearts of it's victims. Not just a stab in the neck, but in the heart. I want to write something great, but not great in the eyes of others: great in that magnificent plots unfold and that terrible but great deeds are done. Where there is no choice between good and evil, but only between what works and does not work. Where my characters take the very fabric of the universe and unwind it into their palm. Yes, greatness! Yes, power!
But, to come down from this nice reverie, one must experiment with characters and with writing. You must find a balance between big and small, power and weakness. Good plots and bad ones. Creating systems and destroying them. All of this by your own accord. You must create to explore and tear and disassemble. Then only in the ruins of your creation may you revel and howl in what it was, and still is. For books are not passages of time, you know.
Anyways, I'm just gonna'... lie down and sleep for a while. Bluh.
Oh, and happy Independence Day, Americans.
