Silent Hissy Fit

I think I have an anger problem guys. I threw a temper tantrum today. Pitched a hissy fit. Call it what you want. I was just mad. First my boss got stressed so I got stressed, and then we were talking about religion in class which is a very, very loaded subject, AKA also stressful. And then my future roommate and I didn't get the room we wanted for next year, so I totally flipped my lid. It didn't help that before that I was thinking about lots o' awful shit. I call my temper tantrums "silent" because I don't scream or stomp around, I just get moody and pissy.
After that I just went and played the piano for a good hour and learned maybe some of the notes for "On the Nature of Daylight" by Max Richter. If you sad, slow, and instrumental, then I recommend it. It's beautiful.
Now I'm here. Skimmed through my reading for tomorrow, and I don't think I'll be doing anything else.
I was never really taught to not have temper tantrums as a kid, and I threw them and usually got what I wanted, so that did not help at all. This probably explains how I'm able to forget all about the people around me and do what I want. But anyways, I just wish I was disciplined better. I hold back my anger, but I don't seem to know what to do with it. I shouldn't sit on it. I guess I should let it out in some way. Playing the piano was a good way, I guess. Made me focus on something else and try my best to be awesome at it. So okay.
Ugh. I just wish I wasn't so angry all the time, guys.
