Beep Beep!

Beep beep! Everybody outta' the way! I got a nice truckload full of explosive self-obsessed thoughts, and it's currently on fire, raging down a steep hill, headed straight for town! Wuh-oh!!
Man, like, it is hard making new friends. Like wow. I'm so self-absorbed, I guess??? Eh. I think my only real problem is that I gotta' treat myself nicer so I can treat other people nicer. Like, you know, the whole, "Do unto others as they do unto you," type deal. Except, instead, I gotta' want to be treated nicely instead of like shit so I can treat others nicely and not like shit. Usually I think I'm a terrible person, so I think everybody should, like, be rude to me and think me vermin. And so that must come out in how I treat others as well.
I don't think I should have to change the rest of myself or anything at the moment, though. That may change, but that's okay. I'm working shit out.
Hmmmmm. Today at work was pretty interesting. I think I am pretty dramatic, though. Which is a problem. So maybe that as well. I just freak out?? Ugh.
