Hey! Most of the other people I know Have done this, so I will!
Name:Carolyn (no harm in telling, right?)
Hair colour:Dark brown
Eye colour:Dark Brown
Likes: Anime, Manga, Good friends, Family, Food (mostly sweets and strawberries) Shiny things, Ribbons, Making people happy, Gothic Lolita fashion, people with cool hair, Cosplay,Cats and other things
Dislikes: Bullies, 4Kids, Musicals like the Sound of Music, Chitty-Chitty Bang-bang etc. People who hurt others, Spicy food, Disney Channel, Bugs, and other things
Childhood dream: To be king...really!
Dream right now:WORLD DOMINATION!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!...Jokin'!
Speed or strength?-Strength
Weak points: Spelling, maths skills, friends and family
Words said most: Rawr, Meh, Yeah, no, Sorry, hahaha, Meow, ah!
Thats most of me!
- Created By Gemnote7
My Mugan....>:)
Well, Christmas and New Years is over now, so I have something else to look forward to...My Birthday!!XD I have one thing I really, really, REALLY want!
And it's this...
Kanda's Mugan form D-grey man!! It's made of wood and It's only £30 from TokyoToys.com! My big brother has Ichigo's Banki and Rukia's sword and I want the Mugan!
Happy new year!
I wish everyone a great new year!! Tonight I get to crack open the shandy and Pull an all-nighter!
Christmas and...SNOW?!
WOW! It snowed! SNOWED!! Up here in Scotland! Thats amazing, and it's so deep! We normaly just get rain. nodokachan, I don't know where you are right now, but I hope your enjoying tthe snow! remeber to wrap up!
Yeah, earlier when I was waiting for one of my comments to post and it was taking a while, so I told the laptop "I'm reaching for a Ferrero Rocher right now, and if I get to it before you load this comment, I get it!"
Me:"Okay, I taking out the box, and if your still not done, I get to eat it! ha!"
Me:" I'm un-wrapping it~ Look at it's lovely chocolatey-ness~"
Me:" Sod it, Carolyn's eating it...*chomp chomp*
My Craxy Rants part 2
Okay, I'll post it one this world this time(I''m typing with one hand right now since I'm eating an apple with the other)
Sugar ups and Sugar downs
Does anyone else have "Sugar ups and downs"? Because I don't. I know this sounds weird, but Seem to be immune to sugar rushes. This might be a good thing, but I'm not sure. Yesterday I had a sugar rush though, when I had some Iru Bru So maybe I'm not...? Okay, Now I'm just rambling...
My next Rant will be "Guys and their hair"
Walker family....O.o
I found this pic when doing a serch on Photobucket. Then I decide to type "Walker family" In google and then I found the site it beloned to. Heres the link(yes I'm giving you the link)http://www.arigatomina.com/downloads/djs/dgrayman/index.html
Now, Onto the main question: How did Allen and Kanda have kids?!
1: Kanda is actually a girl
2: Allen is actually a girl (well, he is adoreable...)
3: They break the laws of genenetic make-up
4: Someone else had the kids (but how would they look like Allen + Kanda?)
5: Allen had a kid with someone (He's only 15! shame on me!) And Kanda had a kid with someone too (Nah, Kanda's too cold)
6: I just stop being a stick-in-the-mud and let the yaoi fans have their happiness at Yullen.
Yeah, I prefer number 6! Respect to the Yaoi fans! and the Yuri Fans!
Anyway, sorry about this!