My Gaurdian Misha

This is a story of three friends: Kotarou, Koboshi, and Ten-chan(sorry I dont remember his name) They are normal people in a normal world. One day while the three friends were going to school Koboshi fell off the sidewalk and went into the busy road, and so starts our story.
"WWWWAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" 'Please someone anyone help me!! ... I feel like someone is holding me...' As Koboshi opened her eyes she saw that she was being lifted up into the sky by someone who had White clothes, a pair of wings and a halo that were whiter than snow! "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! IM TERRIFIED OF HIGHT PLEASE PUT ME DOWN!"
"Teeheehee sorry I didn't know you were scared of hights ill put you down ok Su?" ,said the Wonderfully kind and Beautiful ladie but of course you could tell that she was an angel. They returned to the ground slowly and carefully. "So by the way I didn't get to ask for your name... so what is it?" asked Koboshi shyly.
"Well my name is Misha and I'm your gaurdian Angel" said Misha.
