When we last left off Koboshi got mad at Misha for hugging Kotarou and maybe, suposibly hurting him. Enjoy
"Koboshi. Koboshi!" Misha desperatly said. She was up in the sky (using some of her angel magic to be invisible) searching for Koboshi. Her Beautiful wings flapping gracefully up in the air. She looked, and looked when all of a sudden she spoted her crying in her backyard. Her legsbended her arms ontop of them and her head ontop of her arms sobbing. *SOB SOB* she could here when she got closer. Her wings flapping slower anslower as she got to the ground until they came to a complete stop. "Ko-Koboshi?"
"Ah Misha-san..." Koboshi said as she wiped off her tears.
"Koboshi-san whats the matters Su?" Misha asked thoughtfully as she got closer to Koboshi.
"Nothing Misha-san, n-nothings the matter. I uh just uh..." Koboshi tried saying without sobbing again.
"Koboshi-San... Somethings the matters I can tell please tels me su!" Misha now sitting next to Koboshi tried calming her and getting the truth.
Koboshi not wanting to tell her was silent. "Koboshi!" Misha scolded her. "Tell me you know yas can trust ME!"
"Uh... ok fine. I think I was uh jealous of you..." Kobishi confessed looking serious and embarresed.
"Will You PLEASE forgive me!!!" Koboshi pleaded starting to cry again.
"Sure Su! Im aways here to helps yas Su Thats why im not only your gaurdien angel but also you Friend Su~!
"M-Misha-san..." Koboshi said Blushing. 'your so kind I just dont... get it.' "Thank you Misha-san..."
"Hey dontcha have school su?" Misha asked.
"Uh... sc-SCHOOL!!!!! Oh no im already Late Misha take me there Please!"
"Ok Su Let's Go!!"
They left ultra fast to not be so late. ~*End*~