Stapler Stable: aka, How I learned to love a fad

I've been pleasantly surprised with how much I have enjoyed Bakemonogatari. It seems like the series had many forms of twisting myths to create this modernized tale of intertwining narratives.

Normally, I end up spend a lot of time watching josei anime or more specifically I end up watching a lot of Noitamina. I would consider Bakemonogatari to be a step or three above the cut of regurgitated plot lines. Even if it does smack a bit of fan service and formulaic interactions between characters, there is a reason those character models/designs/personality types keep being repeated over and over.

I'm not going to hold back. Truly, all of the characters are pretty delightful. Whether we are talking about Araragi's heart of gold (underneath some pretty perv-tastic tendencies), Hitagi's blunt reactions as a result of her horrible past, Kanbaru's pretty hyper-sexualized yuri tendencies, or Oshino's enigmatic cure all for the oddity of the week, each character has something to offer to the development of the characters and their stories. The interwoven text and slides flickering through the episodes are reminiscent of memory and film slides. It all has an after the fact feel.

One of the stranger but enjoyable aspects of the series is the unique use of shading and highly stylized art. Regardless of whether I would have made the call to include things such as the purposefully uncomfortable neck angle shots in thoughtful moment (My GOODNESS, Senjougahara had her neck craning at some points) or the live action images/backgrounds, I appreciate the effort nonetheless.

I will curb my entry from degrading into a needless ramble. However, I definitely will be continuing with this show's second season which is currently airing in Japan: Nisemonogatari.

Junko vignette #1

There was nothing but the drizzling rain to soothe Junko's nerves in that hazy space between finishing her exam and the arrival of the next bus on the 7 going off campus. It seemed only natural that a stop by the cafe in the student center was her temporary stop. At the small counter booth while sipping her cafe au lait, Junko lamented her unpreparedness.
She had really outdone herself and lived up to her title as "Princess of Procrastination". Regardless of her personal anxiety about the uncertain future of her GPA, she had every intention of putting on a brave face for her friends during their routine post-midterm celebration. They all had hard exams, too. It seemed selfish to talk about her problems when she was able to pull off solid grades most of the time without studying. Her thought process is interrupted by the merry chirp of her cell phone as she sipped on the lukewarm remains of her beverage. Dropping the cup in the trash on her way out the door, she answers with forced cheerfulness, "Hey Sakiko. How did it go?"

The hyper voice whines across the line, "I don't even want to talk about it-not without at least two drinks in me. Are you leaving campus to meet up with us soon? There's been a change in plans."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Shouhei got called into work unexpectedly, so we are going to meet him near his work at that little pub called Panic Paradise."

"That is the place with the purple and green sign that has the little neon jellyfishon it, right?"

"Right! They have great cocktails. We are already gathering so hurry over."

"Sure thing, see you soon."

Checking the time, Junko begins to briskly walk toward the bus depot on campus to grab the next 14 to head in the direction of her new, more exciting destination. Thoughts of her grade dissipate as she thinks of getting to try a new bar and spend time with her friends.

Another internet space

Well then, this is novel. It has been awhile since I thought about really partaking in the otaku community.

I'm Jessica, creator of this little nook of the larger otaku site.

It is my hope that I will begin to cross post fan writing, reviews, and even academic articles that I have posted on my wordpress, facebook, in-class, or wherever.

Stay tuned for whatever I throw on here.

I know at the very least, I will dig up an old essay I did on philosophy seen within Ergo proxy, specifically seen within the character development of Pino.
