xD My name is Otomi Babii.
(Well... on this website, that is)
This is my personal blogging world thing-a-ma-bob.
Take a look at the daily dose of yours truly ;)
xD My name is Otomi Babii.
(Well... on this website, that is)
This is my personal blogging world thing-a-ma-bob.
Take a look at the daily dose of yours truly ;)
.... What? I like these kind of quizzeys ! :3
○● B R I T I S H ○●
[x] You drink a lot of tea.
[ ] Foggy weather is great.
[ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life.
[ ] You wanted Ben to win xFactor.
[x] Fish and Chips are yummy.
[ ] You can eat a Full English Breakfast.
[ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs.
[x] It's football ... not soccer.
Total: 3
○● A U S T R A L I A N ○●
[ ] You wear flip flops all year.
[? What The Fck?] You call flip flops "thongs", not flip flops.
[ ] You love a backyard Barbie.
[ ] You know a Barbie is not a doll.
[x] You love the beach.
[x] Sometimes you swear without realizing.
[ ] You're a sports fanatic.
[ ] You are tanned.
[ ] You're a bit of a bogan.
[ ] You have an Australian something.
Total: 2
○● I T A L I A N ○●
[ ] The Sopranos is a great show.
[ ] Your last name ends in a vowel.
[ ] Your grandmother makes her own sauces.
[ ] You know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] You know Italian songs.
[x] You have dark hair and dark eye color.
[ ] You speak some Italian.
[x] You are under 5'10".
[ ] You know what an Italian horn is.
[ ] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world!
[ ] You talk a lot with your hands.
Total: 2
○● S P A N I S H ○●
[ ] You say member instead of Remember.
[ ] You speak Spanish or some.
[ ] You like tacos.
[ ] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[x] You are dark skinned.
[x] You know what a Puta is.
[x] You talk fast occasionally.
[ ] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair.
[ ] You know what platanos are.
Total: 3
○● R U S S I A N ○●
[ ] You get short tempered.
[x] You know of somebody named Natasha.
[x] You get cold easily.
[ ] Rain is fun for you.
[ ] You get into contests all the time.
[x] You can easily make do with the cold weather.
Total: 3
○● I R I S H ○●
[ ] You think beer is the best.
[ ] You have a bad temper.
[ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murphy, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y or L.
[ ] You have blue or green eyes.
[It's ok I guess] You like the colour green.
[ ] You have been to a St. Patty's day party.
[ ] You have a family member from Ireland.
[ ] You have red hair.
[x] You have/had freckles.
[x] Your family get together always includes drinking and singing.
Total: 3
○● A F R I C A N A M E R I C A N ○●
[LMAO WHAT??] You say nigganukka casually.
[ ] You have nappy hair.
[x] You like rap.
[x] You know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] You think President George Walker Bush is racist.
[x] You like fried chicken.
[ ] You like watermelon.
[x] You can dance.
[x] You can sing gospel.
○● A S I A N ○●
[ ] You have slanty small eyes.
[x] You like rice a lot.
[x] You are good at math.
[x] You play an instrument.
[ ] You have family from Asia.
[x] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth.
[ ] Most people think you're Chinese.
[ ] You call hurricanes typhoons.
[ ] You go to Baulko.
Total: 4
○● G E R M A N ○●
[ ] You speak some German.
[ ] You know what Schnitzel is.
[x] You hate it when stupid people call you.
[x] You went to Pre-school.
[ ] You're over 5'2".
Total: 2
○● C A N A D I A N ○●
[ ] You like/play/played hockey.
[ ] You love beer.
[ ] You say eh.
[ ] You know what poutine is.
[ ] You speak some French.
[ ] You love Tim Horton's.
[ ] At one point you lived in a farm house.
[x] You watch/watched Degrassi.
Total: 1
○● A M E R I C A N ○●
[ ] You hate foreigners.
[ ] You hate non-Christians.
[x] You're lazy.
[x] Ever ate a burger
[x] big ego
[ ] You don't read.
[x] You think this survey is rather biased.
Total: 4
○● B E L G I A N ○●
[ ] You grow some small vegetables in the yard.
[x] You like french fries.
[ ] You know that the official best beer in the world is Belgian.
[ ] You speak both Dutch and French.
[ ] You like Belgian waffles.
[ ] You call a pub or bar a café.
[ ] You drive/own a French or German car.
[ ] You have a lot of comments on your government.
Total: 1
○● D U T C H ○●
[You Know It!] You like the colour orange.
[ ] You are a football enthusiast.
[ ] You often go to 'coffee shops'.
[x] You tend to overreact and show your emotions.
[x] You have a cheerful nature.
[ ] You like the sea.
[ ] You are good at building handiwork projects.
[ ] You tend to favour the megalomania.
Total: 3
○● A R A B ○●
[ ] You are a patriot.
[ ] You say "3ngleezy" instead of "english".
[ ] You laugh at other accents /especially Egyptian/
[ ] You beckon at things with you forehead or eyes.
[x] You like seafood, especially fish, more than any other type of food.
[ ] You are tanned.
[ ] You have black hair.
[ ] Your last name starts with " Al " or " bin "
[ ] you like showing off, especially with new cars and clothes.
[ ] You dislike reading.
Total: 1
I feel so horrible. I'm eating all this stuff... and it's like something is eating me from the inside... I've never felt like this in a while.. D E P R E S S I O N ; And the thing is I don't know what's wrong with me... :'[
Mood- Normal I guess...
Listening to- One more night by Cascada
So it's a Sunday... Yepp. Nothing so special. Just another day to stay in the house all day and do nothing. :[ Having the worst case of writer's block in my life and it's getting so annoying! I mean C'MON! I want to write interesting stories in RP worlds but I'm so braindead. D:
... I feel like drawing.
♥ Nellie
So I'm here on theotaku, just hastily waiting... and it's like no one is online!! No new fan art, no new wallpapers, no new updates on worlds, HARDLY no posts in my club.... It's like driving me insane!
So tell me reader: WHERE ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! >:[
♥ Nellie
I was like... "wh-wh-wh-wh-what?!" It was unbelieveable dude...I am HORRIBLE at Geometry and... man I was so confused. I made a 96 percent on it. I made sure it didnt say 69 percent either. It was definatly a 96 PERCENT MAN! I'm happy but confused at the same time. I'm guessing this was one of these christmas miracles that people seemed to be talking bout.. I took another geometry test yesterday... Let's see what will I get this time.. :)
♥ Oreo