Well... welcome to my world, unfortunate person who has stumbled into the black hole of eternal cr@pness and come out on Planet Haruya! Yes, I'm one of those mad fangirl/obsessive-compulsive pairer/random jerk sorts you meet every now and again on anime/manga sites. ;D If you're prepared to hang around, though, there are some rewards to be reaped here. Tell me if I'm breaking any rules, 'kay? I'm getting really attached to this site already...

Haiii~! x3

Yup... Destinii Haruya here! xD Thankfully, I've almost pretty much introduced myself already in the introduction, so I can just get on with the entry~!


I seem to have got a cold lately, which means dragging a box of paper hankies around school, trying not to look suspicious... which isn't easy. And trying to dispose of said hankies is even harder. In short, today's school sucked. I totally messed up writing class (something nasty is going to happen to the inventor of acrostic poetry...), Science (when magnetic fields are broken, why are previously magnetized objects seemingly forced to fall down on or near an object known as my foot?), and ICT... Why is ICT always so lame-o? Less copy and pasting and more Photoshop and web design stuff, please! It's your fault my CSS is so rubbish, ICT teacher! >.>

To make things even worse, the science teacher- who just so happens to be a keep-fit freak- made us launch deadly weapons in a psychotic starvation torture known as "playing catch before lunch". If one of us dropped the ball, we needed to wait till we'd got it round the circle perfectly a few more times till we got to go to lunch... We were there for about an hour till we finally got to eat... and it just so happened that in my hurry to get to school in the morning, I'd forgot to make a packed lunch... but my mum'd made one for me, to serve two flies and an amoeba.

I spent most of break (or "play-time" as the teachers here still call it! We are not nine-year-olds, understand?) trying to get rid of a girl following me around, imitating everything I said in a dodgy Japanese accent, and when I remained silent, quoting what I'd said in the past in the same dodgy accent. Everyone knows I'm uber-geeky, but must they go on about it? I'm a geek, so what?

The rest of school passed pretty uneventfully, thank the heavens. I finally managed to get home and log on to Gaia- one of the best sites ever, in my opinion- just to find that the girl who was imitating me at school was doing the same to me on Gaia! Thankfully, the new Monthly Collectibles were out today, which took my mind off her. Super Powers is ftw. x3 Two MCs bought and one sold later, and I was out on my life's constant mission; to watch anime and read manga! =D

After an episode of Pokémon (yes, I watch Pokémon. So what?), I felt like staring at some fanart for a while, so I Googled "anime fan art"... and lo and behold, this place came up! I think that's the fastest I've ever filled out a registration form. =P

Well, looks like that's it for now; I'll be back either later today or tomorrow for more from Planet Haruya. ;) Thanks for taking the time to read through this ridiculously random post!

~Destinii Haruya
