I thought no one would ever find me, but I guess I was wrong.

Please tell me who you are; I'd like to know who bothers reading random posts about nothing. XD

I also have a DeviantArt account: HERE! I have some stuff up there that can't be uploaded here, so you might want to go check that out~!

4th of July

Too lazy to retype, so I'm pasting something I just said in a comment. XD

Aw, too bad for your 4th of July. Mine was better weather-wise, but I still had to sit with a bunch of old people who kept trying to take pictures of the fireworks with old cameras that wouldn't close the shutter soon enough. XD Also, some guy decided it would be a good idea to bring his little dog, who was freaking out and GAGGING through the whole fireworks show. XD It was kind of hilarious, actually.

Ayup. :'D

I've got the 404~

Just thought someone would want to see this. XD

Song Quiz

Rules of the game
- Choose a singer/band/group.
- Answer using ONLY titles of songs.
- Tag 3 more people

Relient K

1. Are you male or female?: "Nancy Drew"
2. Describe yourself: "I So Hate Consequences"
3. What do people feel when they're around you?: "When You're Around"
4. How would you describe your previous relationship?: "Down In Flames"
5. Describe your current relationship: "Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care"
6. Where would you want to be now?: "Breakfast At Timpani's"
7. How do you feel about love?: "Those Words Are Not Enough"
8. What's your life like?: "Devastation and Reform"
9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?: "The Best Thing"
10. Say something wise: "The Only Thing Worse Than Beating A Dead Horse Is Betting On One"

Heck yes, Relient K has awesome song names XD

My cat is a lightning freak just like me :D

So, those of you who know me really well know that I am a lightning freak; I love lightning and believe that if I had control over an element, lightning would be mine.

So, right now, there's a lightning storm where I live. Which is freaking sweet. But my cat was sitting in the window, and I'm lonely since everyone's gone right now, so I picked her up to snuggle in my room. So, the next time the lightning strikes, she wriggles from my arms and runs out of my room. I thought she was freaked out at the lightning and thunder, but I go out and where do I find her but right next to the window again, peering out excitedly. XD


Well, it's pretty much official.

My parents are getting a divorce.

We sat down and had a "family meeting" yesterday to talk about our "feelings" (so said my dad, who called said meeting). Why he decided to call this meeting is because on Friday (Friday the 13th ¬o¬), he punched a hole the size of a bowling ball through my mom's door when she was trying to change pants. I mean, seriously, wtf. My mom called the cops and everything, only they couldn't really do anything but take note of the situation since my dad didn't actually hurt anyone.

Anyway. My dad always calls these meetings after he's really fucked up, so he can "apologize" and somehow twist the circumstances to make it sound like it was our fault the whole thing happened. Usually we all try to argue against him when he does that, but after a while we give up because it just gets my dad way more riled up and he gets angry and prone to violence. This time, though, we stood our ground all the way and told him straight out that there is no way this is ever going to work unless he makes an attempt to change, which we've told him every meeting and he's never taken to heart. Lots of things got said concerning the family dynamics and deep-rooted problems that I don't feel I need to disclose, but ultimately we came to the decision that he needs to leave.

He was really surprised about that for some reason. I guess he'd just been in denial about this whole thing for so long that he finally believed all the lies he told himself. I'm really glad though, because instead of being the selfish bastard that he normally is, he sounded like he's going to split ties with us with integrity. Or, at least he said he was going to. Hopefully he lives up to that, because I don't think I can stand much more shit from him. I think that would probably make me finally hate him, even though I really don't hate anyone. At the moment I just hate who he's become, and what he's done... I know he has to have SOME shred of decency in there somewhere, he's just never really shown it.

In any case, my life is probably going to change drastically, even though we're probably going to get to keep the house. My mom's going to have to get a job to support me and my two sisters, which is probably going to be way hard since she didn't actually finish college or anything. I guess we'll probably not get to have as much homecooked food either, since she'll have to work like crazy to pay for everything. I don't really care, but I hope we get to keep our DSL. Is that horrible or what? My family is being torn apart and all I care about is if I'll have fast internet or not. I guess maybe it hasn't really sunk in all the way yet. I sure as hell never actually expected this to happen, even though I knew my parents haven't gotten along for a really long time.

Well, I don't have much else to say on this matter at the moment, so I guess I'll go now.