
I don't know why, but Alex has been pissing me off a ton lately. She's just so freaking obnoxious, and when I tell her to stop she just laughs and obnoxiously tells me I'm "too sensitive." GRAH! Then when I say I'd appreciate some respect she just goes and says stuff like, "What if I like to do this? You should respect me liking it!" =o=;

I really don't understand her sometimes. It's like... you're always complaining about people not liking you, BUT THEN YOU FUCKING MAKE THEM DON'T LIKE YOU BY ACTING LIKE THIS. You're the reason you're pushing them away. FREAKING TRY TO CHANGE, TOO, DON'T JUST SAY, "Oh well I fail at life anyway."

You know what she was doing today? She kept going on about how she should die because nobody wants her there anyway. I told her to stop crying wolf because if she was actually serious once I wouldn't know, and she said that was the point. .......Seriously? I don't want her to commit suicide, but I'm not going to take this shit either. I almost just want to stop being her best friend, maybe even just an acquaintance friend because she's just so damn insufferable and she refuses to change. But then I feel bad wanting that because I'm her only friend... I wonder why? OTL

At one point in time I wouldn't have left at all because she was my only friend, too... But I've actually fucking matured, and I've branched out and made new (and good) friends. I'm even going to a birthday party this weekend, a cool awesome nice one and I was one of the few invited. It really makes me happy to know that I do actually have other friends... BECAUSE IM NOT AN INSUFFERABLE BITCH ALL THE TIME GOD.

Okay, really sorry about the rant. I just wanted to get that off of my chest... Because it's happening way too often. Almost every day. The worst class is Yearbook, because I actually do have to pay close attention in it (I'm the Editor) and that's the class that she screws around the most in. And then when I tell her to shut up because she's distracting me and I need to listen she says I'm being mean for ignoring her.

It makes me want to punch babies. >C
