Survey Tiem

Name: Kyrianne
Birthdate: June 10th, 1992
Birthplace: at teh local hospital
Current Location: At the computer
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown (IM SO BORING GAH)
Righty or Lefty: Righty-tighty
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Male or Female: Female

The shoes you wore today: None. Just a pair a blue striped fuzzy socks
Your eyes: Chocolate brown with slight flecks of lighter brown
Your fears: Hooooo boy. Spiders, heights, deep water, suspension bridges, needles, big dogs, and I think that's it?

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: Either 'dude' or 'I dunno'
Your thoughts first waking up: Oh hay... its mah room
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Face
Your best physical feature: Hmmmmm I dunno. Maybe my hair? Or my lips? Or my hands? LAWL
Your bedtime: Whenever I want to! Mwahah. Of course, usually that's before 11 anyways on school nights... but on weekends I've been known to stay up till 2 or more. |D;
Your most missed memory: 4 grade and all me and Zee's crazy shenanigans

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Dr. Pepper! :D
McDonald's or Burger King: Bleaarrgghhh
Single or group dates: Lawl... will it be pathetic if I say I've never been on any kind of date (Yes, yes it will. :|)
Adidas or Nike: AIRWALK :D
Chocolate or vanilla: Depends on what exactly it is
Cappuccino or coffee: BOTH

-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: Nope
Take a shower everyday: Naw, I'm too lazy XD
Have a crush: Maaaybe
Do you think you've been in love?: Maaaaybe
Want to go to college: Yeah, but right now it looks like my best bet is actually only a 2 year one XD
Like high school: Meh, it's okay
Want to get married: Not really. Unless I really do actually care about the person... but it's not like I'll be heartbroken if I don't get married.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: How could you understand me if I didn't?
Believe in yourself: I BELIEEEEVE I CAN FLYYYYY
Get motion sickness: Nope
Think you're attractive: Sometimes I'm a total narcissist and can't get over myself, and then other days (most days) I'm like "NUUU IM SO UGLY"
Think you're a health freak: Eh, I guess so.
Get along with your parents: Not really. Recently though, yeah. Who knew having a deadly disease would make even the most asshole of douchebags be nicer?
Like thunderstorms: WOO YEAH
Play an instrument: A little bit of this and that. I used to play: the recorder, the alto sax, the piano, and I'm trying to learn the guitar. I'm not too good with any of them, though. XD;

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: Nope
Eaten sushi: Only the veggie kind because my parents are DUUUMB. Not in the past month though
Been on stage: Not this month
Been dumped: Dude, for a second I thought it was asking me if I'd taken a dump. I was like "NO OF COURSE I HAVEN'T USED THE TOILET AT ALL IN THE PAST MONTH WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED?!"
Gone skating: No
Made homemade cookies: I maded a carrot cake, but no cookies
Been in love: Maaaaaybe
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: Not recently |D;

-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yup
Missed school because it was raining?: No way, our school doesn't even give us snow days for like, 2 feet of snow. oAo;
Told a guy/girl that you liked them? Yeah. Didn't turn out so good. XD;
Cried during a Movie? Yeah >>;
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: ...You really have to ask me this? XDD;
Had an imaginary friend: Uh... You know, I don't think I actually did o_O; Unless you count me naming my blanket and dragging it around with me everywhere XD; (He's yellow and I named him Ba-Bant, in case anyone was wondering)
Cut your own hair: No
Had crush on a teacher?: Nope
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Uh, probably. But not any of the bad kinds. Just like, swimming and whatnot XD
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Nope
Been called a tease: Uh, no?
Gotten beaten up?: This ONE time, I got punched in the face, and then I punched the girl who punched me in the stomach, and then we got broken up before we could actual fight.
Been in a fight: See above story
Shoplifted: ^^;

----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: Don't care
Numbers and Names of Children: Nooo children.
How do you want to die?: With STYLE~ But no really.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: An animator, for either movies, shows, or games; or a game artist! :D
What country would you most like to visit?: JAPANLAND~ <33

-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color: doesn't matter
Best hair color: doesn't matter
Short or long hair: doesn't matter. Just they can't have a horrible mullet or I would die. But they could have a mullet if it actually looked hot on them XDD; (*coughKuramacough*)
Best height: Doesn't matter
Best weight: Not overly fat :|
Best first date location: Eh, doesn't matter XD
Best first kiss location: Why do I care? You know, this reminds me... my sister just recently got a boyfriend, and her first kiss was in a freaking WALMART PARKING LOT AHAHAHAHAHA

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
Number of CDs that I own: Um... maybe 10?
Number of piercings: None
Number of tattoos: None
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Hmm maybe like 11 or 12. We have a small town, by the way. XD;
Number of scars on my body: TOO MANY
Number of things in my past that I regret: Things YOU will never know!

Shampoo: The kind that washes your hair
Fav Color(s): Red, jade green, lightish orange, black, silver, maroon, ALL THE COLORS ARE BOOTYFUL
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: SPRING :D
Fave Cartoon Character: Lots of them.
Fave Food: Anything edible that tastes good and won't make me puke my guts out later 8D;
Fave Movies: Lots of them
Fave sport: Tennis or badminton.

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: Fuzzy sockses, blue canvas pants, a white sweater-hoodie thing, my ghostbusters tshirt, glasses, a bra, underwear... Yup thats it
Drinking: Nothing
Thinking about: How I fail at Flash 8 skills :[
Listening to: My mom feeding my cat. And my computer complaining about the heat in here D:

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: I don't think so, no
Worn jeans: Nope, I don't like jeans
Met someone new online: Uh... probably XD; Actually, yeah, I met like 5 or more, I think.
Done laundry: I've never actually done laundry ever in my life :|
Drove a car: No way XD
Talked on the phone: Yeah, with my brother. He keeps calling when everyone else is gone but me XD

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: Didn't I already get this question? I BELIEVE I CAN FLY
Your friends: Most of the time (which is like every single time), but then sometimes they go and do things that make me worry for them and wonder wtf they're thinking. (CHOOSE LIFE! CHOOSE IT!)
Santa Claus: Goddamn those Santa Clause movies, now I think his last name is spelled wrong D:
Tooth Fairy: Nope
Destiny/Fate: Not really
Angels: You know what I was thinking the other day? For always saying that religions with more than one god are evil and everything, Christianity (mostly Catholocism, I think) is actually really polytheistic. I mean, they've got all these angels that do all sorts of crazy things and you're supposed to pray to them to get their help and whatnot, and DOESN'T THAT JUST SOUND LIKE THEY'RE ABOUT FIFTY BILLION MORE DEMI GODS OR SOMETHING?! Seriously.
Ghosts: Boo, motherfucker!
UFO's: Duh. It'd be retarded if there weren't aliens in a universe THAT IS INFINITE IN SIZE. I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE, BE LOGICAL.
God: I dunno. Not really. At least, not the Christian god. And even if there is a god I'm sure as hell not going to be worshipping him, lawl.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Yeah D: Because actually, um. Kyrianne isn't my real name XDD
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No
Do you like anyone?: Maaaaaybe.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Myself. ...What? I only have like 3 other friends and most of them don't even live here, stfu. Seriously though, probably Zee. We freak lots of people out with our likenesses. Except she doesn't even act that much like me anyway, haha.
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Elizabeth, even though we're not really friends anymore. :| BUT I MET HER WHEN I WAS 4 DAYS OLD.
Are you close to any family member?: Not really. Maybe my mom. And maybe also my little sister, except recently she's becoming a total bitch. :|
Who do you hang around the most?: Zee, if I'm even freakin' ALLOWED to. :<
When have you cried the most: I can't remember.
What's the best feeling in the world?: Hmm. Love, relief, and just being able to laugh yourself silly over something retarded
Worst Feeling?: Worry (CHOOSE LIFE PLEASE OMFG), fear, bad anticipation (like, when are they going to shoot me oh god), and intense pain
What time is it now?: 11:37 LUNCH TIEMS
