Yearbook class is making my brain into mush

I’m in Yearbook class right now, and I’m supposed to be working on my spreads but I’m brain dead so I’m not. XD; Actually, I’m typing this as if it’s my Environmental Club story right now, lol.
Anyway. I finally was able to get back these pictures that I took of Alex. :3

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LOL Red vs Blue jokes.

Anyway, enough of that madness. I’m depressed. :C I was going to tell someone that I liked them today, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to chicken out. D: It doesn’t really help that there’s all these window paintings in the commons now that say stuff like “Love is in the air!” and “Be mine” and all that V-Day sort of stuff. It just made it even worse somehow. :C AND we did that whole accidentally-touch-because-we-were-both-reaching-for-the-same-fry thing like, 3 times. BWAAAAAAH!! DDD:>
