So I had an interesting weekend/Monday...

Firstly, I went to the Valley (as we mountain-dwellers call it, since my town has nothing and we have to go off the mountain to get anything) after an end-of-school field day and Luau on Friday (which was all pretty lame, if you ask me, but me and Alex had a burping contest. I lost). We went to all sorts of different stores with absolutely no results (we were all looking for dress shoes for my sister's graduation and my brother's wedding later in the year). When we were in Macy's me and my little sister decided to give up on shoes (because they had absolutely nothing -- everything was on sale, but as such only the shoes on the shelves were for sale, and the sizes were like 8s when my feet are like 11s. D: And there were these really awesome silver flats I wanted, too.), and so we went up and down the escalators making silly poses to freak out the people on either end. Like at one point we did a Charlie's Angels gun pose, and another time we did like a gangsta rap thing, it was really fun. But then this random uptight worker lady comes over and says in this really high-and-mighty tone, "Don't play on the escalators." so we stopped. But seriously, how were we hurting anything? Except, you know, the sanity of the other customers, but that's their fault for deciding to look at us. xD;
Long story short, we found shoes eventually and got home at like 10. I went right to bed.

Saturday, I slept in and did absolutely nothing until 5 when I went with some people to see Wolverine and then go bowling. Needless to say the movie was friggin sweet, not to mention Hugh Jackman is hot, and Wolverine and Gambit should totally get together (I was way to amused at Hugh's "nice stick" line. xD). Then we went to the bowling alley, played one game because none of us had any money (I only got 51 points. "ORRRRZZZZZZZ). Then we were all going to walk over to the new playground at the park, but my parents wouldn't let me because they're lame so I had to go home. :(

Then I went to a picnic at that same park the next day because it was the "goodbye seniors" picnic, and my sister's a senior. The food there was kind of gross, but I guess it was okay. At least I got some Starbucks iced frappuchino things that were really good. xD; Anyway, so me and little sis decided to go mess around on the playground, because I'm wearing my camo jacket and I have short hair and I just look generally menacing to little children. And it's humorous to see their reactions to "scary" people swinging. Heck yes.

Anyways, so on our way there, I looked at the ground randomly and what do I see but A YELLOW CONDOM. Just sitting there. Still wrapped, bright freakin' yellow, and all alone. Lil sis stopped and asks me why I stopped, so I pointed at it and she went, "Is that...?" And I went, "Yup." And started walking again. xDD;

Then today, I had to stay after school to do a chem lab I'd missed from being sick, and to try to download some videos for my history project. First of all, let me say that the Walt Disney family is pretty much retarded. Secondly, let me say that Real Media format should be dragged out into a rickety barn, late at night, during a horrible rainstorm with lightning and thunder, and shot multiple times in the face. With a shotgun. At point-blank range.

Yes, I hate rm format that much.

If you put two and two together (4! I win A+!), that means that the Disney family decided that rm is TEH BEST FORMAT EVAR and all their videos are in that format. Lucky for me (haha, right), they're about the only people who have any good videos about Disney online, so I pretty much have to use theirs. So, I download Real Player so I can download the videos, finally after about 30 minutes of click click click I download all the videos, and then my email decides to be a bitch and not let me email them to myself so I can do it at home (because that one computer at school is about the only one that will actually download rm videos. WTF?!). So I was like ARGH NOOO and gave up on it. I'll have to get them later, not to mention still convert them to something I can actually use, which will probably be just as hard as trying to download the fucking things.

So I called my dad, and he came to pick me up, but while I was waiting I was wandering around outside the school in the little park-like area that we have. And there were little blackbirds strutting all around, so I started singing "Blackbird" by the Beatles to them, but they ignored me. :C So I stopped, and started wandering again, and I came across ANOTHER FREAKIN CONDOM. This one, was unwrapped, and used. Very used. :/ It was about a yard and a half from the park bench, and from the park bench another 4 yards to the wrapper. It's like, they bust out the condom, slam it on, fuck on the bench IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL NO LESS and throw it on the ground when they're done. Seriously, EW. I'm all for expressions of love and emotions, but please, take that where I DON'T have to see the messy evidence kthxbai.

And then I went to go sit on a rock instead of the bench, because understandibly I didn't want to sit threre anymore xD;; So I went to sit on this rock that's nice to sit on, but there was a dead bird on it. So I poked at it with a stick for a bit, because I wanted to look at it (it was recently dead, because it wasn't too badly decomposed and its head was still nice and so were its feathers) but then that's when my dad showed up so I had to leave.

