One teaspoon grated orange rhubarb

I did this randomly because I was bored. It turned out a little wonky because I kept getting all the Poral sound files I'd imported into my library, but it usually made it better rather than worse when that happened. :D

1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal.

1.If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
"The Logical Song" by Supertramp [Whut. XD]

2.How would you describe yourself?
"Do not touch the operational end of the device." by Glados, from the video game Portal [Um. o_O Which end would that be, exactly...?]

3.What do you like in a Guy?
"All I know is that I'm the only thing standing between us... and them. Well, I was." by Glados [WTF. I guess that means he'd protect me?]

4.How do you feel today?
"Neko ni Fuusen" (I think it's translated to something like "Cat on a Balloon") by Ai Otsuka [XD That's totally random. "How do you feel today?" "Like a cat on a balloon." I think I'm going to use that for whenever people ask me how I am now. Just for teh lulz, of course.]

5.What is your life's purpose?
"Going Home" by Shiro Sagisu [Not really. I don't like the people that live at my home. D< Unless, of course, by "home" they mean the Makai...]

6.What is your motto?
"Girls on Film" by Duran Duran [Seriously, whut.]

7.What do your friends think of you?
"Sunrise at Rhodes" by Mannheim Steamroller [Um... that I'm mysterious but awesome? I have no idea XD]

8.What do you think of your parents?
"Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas [LOL I guess that makes sense. They fight a lot and I'd like to Kung Fu their FACES. Yush.]

9.What do you think about very often?
"You Can't Hurry Love" by Phil Collins [...okay then.]

10.What is 2 + 2?
"Cinderella" by Play [Aw, I wanted it to be one of the Portal cake ingredients that involved fish. :P]

11.What do you think of your best friend?
"Embracing the Ice Knife" by Ogata Megumi as Kurama [Well, I guess sometimes she gets pissed at me when I try to comfort her by touching her... But I don't think of her that way XD]

12.What do you think of the person you like?
"The enrichment center promises to always provide a safe testing environment." by Glados [my computer likes her today o_O]

13.What is your life story?
"Like A Racecar" by Hawk Nelson [Okay then. My life is like a racecar. XDD]

14.What do you want to be when you grow up?
"Hibernating." by the Turret Sentry, also from Portal. [XDDD That's the best ever, right there.]

15.What do you think of when you see the person you like?
"Pilgrim" by Enya [Okay then.]

16.What will you dance to at your wedding?
The victory song from FFVII (Which, consequently, I've named "Victory!" in my library :P) [LOL I will SO do this now! It's like, YOU FINISHED GETTING MARRIED, YOU ARE TEH WINNARS!]

17.What will they play at your funeral?
A YYH song that's named "19 Track 19" [Um. It's a much happy song that's weirdly jazzy. I dunno about that. XD]

18.What is your hobby/interest?
"Death Note" by Yoshihisa Hirano and Hideki Taniuchi [Heh. Currently, that's about right.]

19.What is your biggest fear?
"Shutting down..." by Turret Sentry [I guess that means I'm afraid of death? Except I'm not really.]

20.What is your biggest secret?
"Gemini" by The Alan Parsons Project [Oops, you got me. I'm a Gemini. :o]

21.What do you think of your friends?
"Las Vegas/End Credits" by Hans Zimmer (from the movie Rain Man) [I have no idea what that means. XD But didn't I already get this question?]

22.What will you post this as?
"One teaspoon grated orange rhubarb" by Glados' Cake Recipe Sphere [LOL People are going to think I'm crazier than I am already XD]
